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Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metal Detox Without A “Healing Crisis”

Heavy Metal Detox Article - Explore! for the Professional, Volume 10, Number 6

Using among others the QEnergySpa, BEFE Technology
© Copyright 2001 by Timothy Ray, O.M.D., L.Ac., USA
Explore! for the Professional, Volume 10, Number 6



Clinical experience and laboratory evidence demonstrate that it is not necessary for a patient to go through a ‘healing crisis’ to successfully rid the body and brain of heavy metals. A rationale and method for achieving this end, based on the author’s clinical findings, are presented for your consideration.

The Healing Crisis

It is not appropriate to treat a chronic condition in the presence of an acute condition.1 When this basic rule of prioritization is broken, the patient is further compromised by additional and unnecessary stress, thus aggravating the acute condition. Therefore, a ‘healing crisis,’ which is an acute condition, cannot be considered acceptable during heavy metal detoxification, a therapy that is used to address the underlying causes of chronic degenerative diseases.

The symptoms of a healing crisis can include: acute nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, muscle weakness, malaise, headache, body aches & pains, back pain, hair loss, flatulence, peripheral nephropathy, sore throat, constipation, abdominal pain, dizziness, confusion, irritability, emotional and mental instability.

Clinical experience shows that one or more of the following causes a healing crisis:

  1. More toxins have been mobilized than the chelator can bind and or the patient’s pathways of elimination can excrete, and the resulting symptoms are caused by the re-disposition of the remaining toxins in the body.
  2. The chelator is toxic in and of itself.
  3. Overdosage of an appropriate chelator.
  4. An allergic reaction to the chelator or the mobilized metals.
  5. Inappropriate selection of chelator/pathway of elimination.2
  6. The patient has a low battery focus3 and cannot utilize the remedy they need.
  7. There is an unidentified focus with greater priority; i.e. a chronic condition (metal toxicity) is being treated in the presence of an acute 2 condition (such as a ‘healing crisis’, subclinically infected root canals, sinus, appendix, sudden emotional stress, etc.)
  8. Blocked autonomic regulation.
  9. Instability of the central nervous system (CNS).
  10. Inadequate, inappropriate, or toxic drainage remedies. Disruption of homeostasis by any of the weakening of the above causes of the system that predisposes the patient to either an acute exogenous or endogenous infection, or an acute flare-up of their chronic condition. Common sense indicates that if the diagnosis, prescription, and dosage are correct the patient will only be and feel better.

Clinical Application of NDF

The method described here is based on a simple clinical observation: Take out the garbage and the system tends to self-regulate. First, identify the primary obstacle or toxin in a patient’s system and remove it safely. Do this one step at a time, with one remedy at a time where possible. Wait and observe the impact of that on their system, allowing them time to achieve whatever degree of self-regulation they can without further intervention. Re-evaluate and proceed to the next issue. Attempting to treat diseases or symptoms without doing this first leads to temporary results or side effects, even while using the most advanced therapies and remedies available today. After the detox and the obstacles are resolved, those same therapies and remedies’ effectiveness are increased by many orders of magnitude. (This is discussed in more detail later in ‘Concluding The Case.’) Because my clinical focus for the last year and a half (out of seven years of treating metal toxicity) has been the treatment of chronic heavy metal toxicity with a MIER Type Chelator (NDF)4, I will outline the method that has worked so well for my patients and then give laboratory and case history examples.

The Questionnaire and Obstacles Worksheet 5

The patient fills in an eight-page questionnaire designed to detect lifestyle and other obstacles that might be causing the condition or preventing effective treatment of the condition. If appropriate, they are given an ‘Obstacles Worksheet’ that identifies the (up to 43) obstacles they must clear up either before or during therapy.

Following is a chart identifying the most critical of these obstacles. 3


Acute illness in progressAddress this first
Chronic illness in the acute stageAddress this first
Severe debility, elimination problemsAddress this first
Amalgam fillings still in teethIf the patient is strong enough, refer to holistic DDS which uses rubber dam, nasal 02, vacuum, and materials compatibility testing. NDF protocol during removal.
Root canal teethEvaluate the severity. Better to have amalgams and root canals removed before treatment when possible.
Acutely infected root canals, cavitationRefer to DDS. Infection may not clear until metal detox is complete, at least control it.
Poor nutritionWithdraw negative foods per blood type; mostly raw, organic, alkaline-forming, local foods; no junk, GM, or artificial foods; possible amino acid/electrolyte supplement.
Not chewing food thoroughlyChew to a liquid, use a blender if amalgams are still in the teeth
Severe distended abdomenMayr Cure before and/or during detox.
Mental dysfunction, sleep disorders, addictions, history of brain trauma, concussionRefer to real-time EEG neurofeedback first; begin detox after CNS is more stabilized.
Mother had amalgams during pregnancyStart a ‘dump’ journal of thoughts and feelings, and burn pages daily without re-reading.
Not breastfed the first yearDo not eat the protein that was in the baby formula (milk, soy, etc.)
On prescription drugsAlert MD that dosages may have to be reduced as detox progresses; also that NDF may recognize some drugs as toxic and eliminate them (synthetic hormones, antibiotics).
Geopathic stressColloidal Crystal Complex under the bed, move
Electro Magnetic Radiation (computer screens, high tension power lines, electric blanket, etc.)Quantum unit, move, grounding
Mold and mildewO3 unit, clean up, keep the area lit and humidity down, find out what kind, move
Chemical household and hygiene productsChange to nontoxic
History of severe allergiesRefer to the NAET practitioner
Taking multiple supplementsStop 3 days and re-evaluate
Drink or bathe in tap waterTrinity water and shower filter
No exerciseMinimum short time on a rebounder or Qi Machine, personal trainer
Tender scars, adhesionsRefer to bodywork, neural therapy, cold laser therapy
ObesityThe weight loss program will begin metal detox, start there, slowly.
Continuing toxic exposureStop it, move

If I see obstacles that I know therapy and remedies are not strong enough to overcome or keep at bay, I tell the patient they must be resolved before detox can begin or they will be wasting our time and their money. If they still want to proceed, I refer them elsewhere.

The SchwerMetall (Heavy Metal) Test 8

This test is useful for patients who cannot afford outside lab testing and for a general ‘yes or no’ indication of metals in the urine during therapy. I ask the patient to bring in a cup of 1st-morning urine at the first visit, with no supplementation 3 days prior. If no metals are revealed, we move up to a provocative challenge test with NDF, the dose of which is determined by their constitutional strength or by ramping up to the standard challenge dose of 4 – 6 mls.

Heart Rate Variability

This test provides an objective measure of autonomic regulation and clearly shows the patient their general progress. On a scale of 1 to 13 (best), if their symptoms go away at 5, and they started at 4, they can see that they have not achieved any real ‘health insurance’ until they get up to 11 or 12. It can inspire them to persist to completion.

Assessment with the Performance 20019

I follow the testing protocol established by Dr. H. Schimmel MD.  Normal values are between 400 – 800 nA. There are three main categories of readings: 5

Category 1. All points read below 400nA. There is a focal blockage problem, most likely a low battery blocked regulation or CNS instability.

Category 2. Some points are above and some below normal. Correct the lowest reading as it represents the body’s most urgent need. If possible, find a single remedy that will correct the lowest and highest reading. The more remedies in the protocol, the more difficult it is to manage the case. Generally, only the remedy corresponding to the patient’s primary need will correct both the lowest and highest reading.

Category 3. All points read above 800 nA. There is an acute state of inflammation, allergy, infection, acidosis, or hyperarousal.

Significance of P-2001 Findings

  1. If the patient is in Category 1 or 3, correct the readings to the normal range first before beginning detox.
  2. Remedy testing in Categories 1 and 3 is not accurate, and Ingestion Testing is (described below). An examination of the obstacles and symptoms may provide a clue to the first step. Usually, these categories require ‘deductive’ therapy (withdrawal of an offending substance) or obstacle correction (sometimes as simple as chewing their food) for a week or so before remedies can be given safely.
  3. NDF-Plus, Inhaled Ionized Oxygen, cold laser or BioPhoton therapy, and the BEFE (Biological Electronic Frequency Enhancement, BEFE) footbath will generally be of benefit in Category 1.
  4. If head trauma or mental dysfunction appears in history, real-time EEG neurofeedback has helped stabilize patients in both Categories 1 and 3.

When the patient falls into Category 2, I do the remedy testing. If the metal is toxic, I first attempt to correct all points with NDF or NDF-Plus to keep the case as simple as possible. Most of the time it works. The information derived here will represent about 50% of the total picture. This objective measure, and other subjective resonance testing methods, only measure the body’s electrical reaction to the frequency of the tested substance, not the remedies post-ingestion 6 chemical effect on the whole body. This gives a good clue, but not a final answer.

Ingestion Testing

I then give the patient a small (usually one drop) dose of the tested chelator/remedies, that they can taste,10, and ask them to go sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes. I then retest the focal points. If they now test within the normal range, I know I have a tolerated, effective, minimum dose. I teach the patient how to ramp up the dose and how to use the Coca Pulse Test.11 With the Coca Pulse Test they have an ‘Ingestion Testing’ tool with which to evaluate changing remedy and dosage needs and sensitivities at home.

Window of Improvement

We know from the independent real-time digital EEG studies of patients with toxic heavy metal burdens that the voltage of their Beta waves tends to be depressed, and that after taking a correct dose of NDF, the voltage of their Beta waves increases into the normal range in between 5 minutes to two hours post-ingestion. The moment this happens, the patient reports a simultaneous subjective improvement in clarity and/or well-being. The experience of improvement of function has been clinically verified by real-time EEG to last at least 4 hours 12 and can actually last for days.

Please note that the arrival of this sense of improvement is concurrent with a major simultaneous increase in the elimination of heavy metals, as verified by independent lab testing13, and thus proves that heavy metal detox can proceed without a healing crisis.

I call this the Window of Improvement.

Ramping up the Dose

The patient ramps up the dose until the “Window” is reached and then stays at that dose until a ‘plateau’ of no improvement is reached – at which point they gradually increase or decrease the dose to once again find the “Window.” Please see the graph below. 7

The correct dose can fall anywhere on this line. Note that if the dose is too small, no effect is noticed. If the dose is too large, the symptoms of a healing crisis will appear. I generally begin ingestion testing with one drop because if tolerated, the patient is safe to begin ramping up.

If one drop of NDF is not tolerated, I change to a photonic potency of NDF (frequency remedy) because the NDF had previously tested positive with the P-2001. In other words, if NDF tests positive with resonance testing, it can certainly be administered as it was tested: as a frequency. It no longer makes sense to me to prescribe a physical dose of a substance when it has only been tested as a frequency without also checking its effect post-ingestion. This discrepancy can account for healing crisis symptoms if the person cannot utilize the chelator or remedies that they need.

Ramping Speed and Dose Increment Suggestions

Complex Case

The patient has a history of allergies and sensitivities and multiple chronic illnesses. Start with one drop of NDF in 10 oz distilled or r/o water and let them sip it slowly. Retest with the P-2001 or the Pulse Test. Insure that 10 oz of distilled or r/o water is taken every half hour until the second urination. If they have a low battery focus or debility and mental dullness start with NDF-Plus. Allow to stay at tolerated dose for a few days or a week, then ramp up in 1 drop increments every few days until the “Window” is found or a healing crisis appears, at which point back off to the previous dose and stay there for a week before resuming. 8

Normal Case

The patient still has a strong constitution and a recent onset of symptoms. The dose is variable up to 10 drops NDF in 10 oz distilled or r/o water. Insure that 10 oz of distilled or r/o water is taken every half hour until the second urination. Ramp up in 5 –10 drop increments every few days until the “Window” is found or a healing crisis appears, at which point back off to the previous dose and stay there for a week before resuming.


Acidic water (distilled or r/o) is taken with the dose and up to the second urination following the dose. This facilitates elimination. High-quality alkaline water is taken thereafter to buffer the acidity (Trinity has a pH of 9). Drinking lots of water during detox insures against a healing crisis and helps provoke the metals out through the urine instead of the bowel.  The dose is taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and then, after the ramping speed has been established, an additional dose again 2 hours after lunch. A dose twice a day is the target as this can provide a continuous sense of improvement; small frequent doses are more therapeutically effective than large intermittent ones. A dose is not taken at bedtime because the person might not have time to drink enough water in order to urinate twice or defecate before sleep.

As therapy progresses, most patients can tolerate and benefit from an increasingly larger dose. Armed with the Coca Pulse Test and the knowledge that they should only feel better, the “Window” is fairly easy to maintain. A method that I use, especially with patients who have a history of hypersensitivity, is to give the dose as x number of days on / x number of days off: usually 4 days on, 2 days off. One doctor reports that he stops the detox after two months for one week and sees an amazing acceleration of improvements during the rest period.

Bare Bones Method

Several recent cases (presented towards the end of this paper under Case Histories) have taught me that it is possible to manage a detox case at a distance and without expensive, difficult-to-use 9 instrumentation and testing protocols. The following steps were taken:

  1. Take history. Identify and discuss Obstacles. If major obstacles are present, correct them first. If there is a history of head trauma or mental dysfunction, stabilize the CNS with real-time EEG neurofeedback first, if possible.
  2. Determine that there is no acute condition.
  3. If clear to begin, use Ingestion Testing. Note the pulse rate.
  4. If the person is debilitated, start with one drop NDF-Plus in 10 oz distilled or r/o water and sip over the course of an hour or more. If not, start with NDF, the same method. If the person has amalgams the oral cavity is thoroughly cleansed (with MouthMagic) first and one drop is taken down the back of the throat, followed by the water. Another less popular option for those with amalgams is the rectal implant.
  5. The pulse is taken at 30 minutes and one hour following the dose. If ok, ramp up to the “Window.”
  6. If symptoms appear, stop. Re-evaluate or back up to the previous dose on the following day. Be sure there are proper water intake and bowel function.
  7. It can take some patients an extended time of ramping up the dose before they get to the “Window.” The more toxins and the more severe the metabolic dysregulation, the longer it takes. I encourage them to persist until they do.

Why Use NDF as the Single Remedy?

If the patient is only taking one remedy and their diet stays the same, there is much better control of the case, especially at the beginning. The following list shows the additional benefits of this approach:

  1. There is little to no danger of methylating mercury in the gut.
  2. It prepares the gut for the eventual safe recolonization with beneficial flora because it reduces the number of metals in the gut and drives out pathogens with the competitive exclusion effect.
  3. It avoids the clear and present danger of heavy metal resorption in ‘leaky gut’ patients and the aggravation of other bowel and liver disorders when metals are mobilized via the liver and bowel because it predominantly mobilizes via the urine.
  4. It provides drainage and nutrient support in and of itself. 10
  5. It takes much of the onus of detox off of the liver and strengthens the kidney at the same time.
  6. If symptoms abate one is more certain that toxicity was the cause of the condition, and the picture is not confused by the superficial treatment of symptoms.
  7. It brings the metals out slowly (dose-related), consistently, and safely, not in sudden, massive amounts periodically.
  8. A greater, total amount of metals can be excreted safely per month than with other chelators.
  9. It is more cost-effective for the patient.

Case Management: Troubleshooting Guidelines

Overdosage: If the patient ramps up too quickly they may provoke healing crisis symptoms. If this happens, they are told to do an organic coffee enema and drink 10 oz. of distilled water every half hour until the second urination following the dose. This gives quick relief. Then back off to the previous, tolerated dose on the following day.

Intermittent Low Battery Focus: This is a challenging case for both the patient and the doctor. One dose is tolerated, but the next is not.  Identify the cause, and in the meantime have them use the QEnergySpa, BEFE footbath, or IIO2 (Inhaled Ionized Oxygen Therapy) on a regular basis. One example: a patient tested at 10 on the Heart Rate Variability Monitor (HRV) and within the normal range on the P-2001 (good). Right after the test he went and spent 2 hours with his mother-in-law, and did not have a good time. He then immediately retested his HRV and it was at 3 (bad) and his P-2001 showed low battery.

Sudden Stress: If the patient is suddenly subjected to acute stress, be it an infection, financial, from a relationship, or whatever, they are told to pause the detox until they are back to a more normal or stable state and/or avoid the source of the stress.

Constipation: Take 1-2 tsp Epsom Salts, dissolved in 8 ounces of pure, warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Walk around and occasionally jiggle the belly, or get on the Qi Machine for 15 minutes. Do not sit down or go back to bed. This will usually provoke a quick cleansing of the entire GI tract. 11

Drainage and Metabolic Support Issues & Solutions

Utilizing the combination of clearing the obstacles and the broad-based, bioavailable nutrient base provided by NDF, it becomes largely unnecessary to provide additional drainage support. In addition, the following therapies and products have been useful for some patients.

What Not To Do:

  1. Do not take mega doses of proteolytic enzymes until after the second urination following the dose as this may break some of the bonds that are carrying the metals out of the body. 80% of the metals provoked by a dose come out in the first urination following the dose, and another 10% in the second.
  2. Avoid sulfur-containing remedies (DMSO, MSM) and foods (garlic, cabbage, broccoli, etc.) until after the second urination following the dose as the sulfur may cause some binding in the kidneys.

These precautions are mentioned as theoretical considerations. I have not seen side effects from either of the above. If these or other supplements or remedies are required I give them after the second urination following the dose because urine lab testing shows that roughly 90% of what has been mobilized has been excreted by then, and therefore the active phase of the dose is mostly over.

Acidosis: Alkala is the gold standard. Pines low temperature dissolving Barley Grass not only replenishes the alkaline reserve, provokes the excretion and neutralization of acids, but also provides raw food, and bio-available nutrient support. Take it after the second urination following the dose. Take it before a meal to include weight loss, on an empty stomach for maximum effect, and after meals, if the person is too thin. Chew it. Another solution is the use of a Micro

water unit that can produce water at a pH of up to 12.

Dysbiosis: Taking a powerful flora supplement at the beginning of detox can increase the methylation of mercury in the gut14. Both NDF and NDF-Plus prepare the gut for the eventual administration of flora, both by decreasing the metals in the bowel and the competitive exclusion effect. 12

Specific Drainage Support: Any of the Heel, Pascoe, Nessman, or spagyric remedies that pass the Ingestion Test can be of assistance.

Parasitic, Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Infections: Generally, these conditions cannot be completely cleared until the metals have been mostly eliminated from the body. However, if they reach an acute stage, the following products can be useful to at least reduce the severity of the infections until a cure is possible. Too aggressive an approach can produce side effects, especially in the treatment of candida 15.

Parasites: Silver & Clove, K-Min.

Bacterial: First Defence, Colloidal Silver, Sacro-B, Silver & Clove.

Viral: Systemic Formulas X-3 (lomatium) First Defense, olive leaf, c. silver, chaparral.

Fungal: Thorne SF 722 or Undecyn, protease.

All infections: proteolytic enzymes (Biozyme, Wobenzyme, protease) and Pleomorphic (Sanum) remedies.

Liver & Kidney Support: LiverLife taken with the dose of NDF is a useful all-purpose drainage and support remedy.

Lymphatic Drainage: I have about thirty remedies to choose from for this and no test as well as simply having the person use a rebounder trampoline. When lymphatics are a primary issue, having the person hop ten times an hour wherever they are works very well. Lymphatic drainage massage and deep tissue work should be approached cautiously as more metal may be released than can be eliminated.

Other Detox Support Measures: Chitosan / Liposan-Ultra bind fat-soluble toxins in the bile, thus preventing them from recycling via the bile recycling system. Activated charcoal helps bind metals and other toxins in the bowel. Clay baths with NDF in the water and Far Infrared

Saunas help pull the metals and other toxins out through the skin, best used 30 minutes to an hour after the dose. The NDF, Castor Oil (Palma de Christi), and green clay (Aztec) poultice combination assists with localized toxic focal areas. Hydrolyzed whey (Immunocal) provides intracellular glutathione for antioxidant support. Coffee (organic only) enemas are of great benefit to the whole system 16 when done 3-4 hours after the dose of NDF. Epsom Salts or 13 magnesium peroxide (OxcOxy) 30 minutes to 2 hours after the dose (timed so that the bowel movement occurs roughly 4 hours after the dose) help to flush the bowel. O3 rectal insufflation or ozonated colonics are beneficial. Lots of pure water: distilled or r/o with the dose and up to the second urination following the dose, alkaline water (Trinity, Microwater) thereafter.

Avoid the following during detox: Fish, inorganic foods (pesticides and chemical fertilizers), canned foods and beverages, tap water contact (incl. public swimming pools), untested chlorella, tobacco, ionic mineral complexes, vitamin and mineral supplements that do not have a ‘certificate of analysis’ showing no heavy metals, and inorganic coffee (mercury, cadmium).

A government-sponsored database17 called Nutrient Data Laboratory on the internet had astounding (they are reporting in ppm, not ppb) information about the heavy metal content of foods and herbs, including but not limited to:

Aluminum: cucumber = 21,000 ppm, Echinacea = 12,900 ppm, lima beans = 3,000 ppm, gota kola, pennyroyal = 2,060 ppm, black cherry =1,440 ppm, buchu= 1,360 ppm, carrot, peach, beans = 1,050 ppm, asparagus = 700 ppm, tea = 690 ppm, ginger = 663 ppm.

Cadmium: St. John’s Wort = 7 ppm, spinach = 5 ppm, lettuce = 4 ppm, tomato = 1.7 ppm, dill, corn = 1 ppm.

Uranium: black walnut, filbert, and hazel nuts < 1 ppm.

Mercury: Chinese cinnamon = 60 ppm, kelp = 40 ppm, dulse = 26 ppm, Irish moss = 7 ppm, and many Chinese medicinal herbs at about 1 ppm or less.

Arsenic: kelp = 68 ppm, dulse = 33 ppm, Irish moss = 10 ppm, grapefruit = 4.4 ppm, carrot = 1 ppm.

Lead: black cherry = 108 ppm, kelp = 91 ppm, persimmon = 81 ppm, apple = 64 ppm, tomato = 60 ppm, sassafras = 37 ppm, asparagus = 30 ppm, corn = 14 ppm, plum = 11.9 ppm, beans = 10.5 ppm, grapefruit = 7.7 ppm, lettuce = 6 ppm, cabbage = 5.8 ppm.

I suspect that they only tested inorganic foods. The herbs tested were probably ‘bulk’ because we have COAs (certificates of analysis) on the Chinese herbal extracts I use that show no metal contamination. 14

How many patients are out there treating metal toxicity or their health in general:

  1. By juicing (carrot, tomato, cucumber, spinach),
  2. With weight loss (the grapefruit diet),
  3. The liver flush (apple juice),
  4. With baths (kelp, dulse, Irish moss),
  5. Trying the asparagus cure,
  6. Using buchu for drainage,
  7. The sauerkraut cure,
  8. Chlorella (4 out of 6 brands I tested were loaded with metals),
  9. A Chinese herbal detox program (cook the bulk herbs yourself),
  10. Or simply eating lots of Mexican food (corn tortillas, beans, & tomato salsa) or sushi (some fish contaminated, ginger, low-quality beer)?

Although this is an informative site, there are many foods I searched for, like chlorella, that has not been tested. An independent lab analysis by AMTEST Labs showed that NDF was not contaminated with heavy metals.

Concluding The Case

Generally, as therapy progresses, the patient will stay in the “Window” for longer and longer periods of time until they reach a point of restored health and no evidence of metals in the post-provocation urine challenge. If they haven’t already started real-time EEG neurofeedback, I suggest that they do so to repair the brain damage caused by the metals. This crucial modality is the subject of a future paper and I now believe that the full restoration of vibrant, self-sustaining health is not possible without it.

At this stage Darkfield examination of the blood and the Pleomorphic18 (Sanum) remedies become extremely effective. Metal toxicity causes acid-base disturbances, which inhibits their effect,19 and the terrain now has a chance to self-regulate, assisted by improved liver, kidney, bowel, lymph, lung, and CNS function (elimination of acids). Likewise, now UBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation), O2/O3, live cell, complex homeopathy, acupuncture, and other rejuvenation therapies become much more effective. Once the metals are cleared they can no longer sabotage the effectiveness of the other modalities. I think that many of the above-mentioned 15 remedies and therapies were created and proved during a time before pollution and metal toxicity became such widespread problems.

Preventative Maintenance

Depending on where they live and what they consume, small, weekly doses of NDF are suggested instead of a yearly, major detox.

Case Histories

MMR (measles, mumps, & rubeola) Vaccine Damage. Male, age 8.

Symptom onset following MMR vaccine in 1995: stopped smiling, talking, playing, and looking at parents, developed yellow, foul smelling diarrhea, disrupted sleep, autoimmune disorders, scars that don’t heal, irritable bowel, low attention, lost the ability to speak, eyes deviated, frenetic, bites hands to point of bleeding, bangs head against the wall, and stimming behavior. He was dropped on his head at 7 weeks but ‘developed normally afterward’. Recently given DMSA which severely aggravated all symptoms. Mother was hysterical, also mercury toxic, and because her son had not had a full night’s sleep in years. I could not locate a holistic doctor or a real-time EEG neurofeedback practitioner in her area so I took the case by phone and fax. We decided to do Ingestion Testing. The beginning dose was 1 drop of NDF in a 10 oz glass of distilled water, consumed slowly over the course of a day, once a day. Within one week he was

sleeping through the night most nights and there had been a significant reduction in all symptoms for the first time. He continues to improve, now taking 2 drops a day. The mother is also taking NDF, the same method, and improving.

Mercury Toxicity diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis

Female, former dental assistant, age 45, previously diagnosed as having MS with tremors and shaking, bedridden, and other symptoms of poor health. Sudden onset of symptoms after improper amalgam removal. Made initial progress using DMSA and other chelators but not restored to health (bowel resorption of metals and liver problems).

Started NDF using Ingestion Testing and experienced abatement of all symptoms. Recent exposure to 100+ degree heat caused an acute aggravation of tremors, took 5 mls NDF and got complete relief. Liver pain is gone, and kidney function is restored. She’s back to work and very happy! She did an NDF provocative challenge: 16

Patient DS overall metal increase (1 challenge dose of NDF, 5ml

Highlights of the test:

  • Mercury from below detectable level to dangerous levels
  • Aluminum 200% increase
  • Cadmium 137% increase
  • Cobalt 141% increase
  • Nickel 203% increase

This is another example of NDF-provoking metals that the other chelators couldn’t reach. The actual Great Smokies before and after lab reports can be viewed at Look on the site map for DS Before and DS After. (Several other before and after lab tests, and more case histories, can also be seen at this site.)

Acute Flu and Chronic Seizure

My son Max, age 7, went swimming in a chlorinated pool in the hot sun at a relative’s house. He came down with otitis externa, ‘the flu’, and difficulty concentrating and speaking. He has a history of seizure activity caused by mercury toxicity. The heat and chlorine seriously increased his seizure activity. He has had this happen before, but chlorinated pools are practically unavoidable in Southern California.

Both of my boys (7 & 10) had previously always responded to ChildLife’s20 ‘First Defense’ for cold & flu or any infection but this time I didn’t see the expected dramatic improvement and suspected an obstacle. The Performance 2001 revealed that all of his points were below 200 uA, a low battery focus. Now, for the second time, I’ve seen that the combination of heat and chlorine creates at least a temporary low battery focus in the metal toxic patient. He was given a QEnergySpa, BEFE footbath in R/O water, re-mineralized with potassium citrate, for

35 minutes. Once again, he showed no improvement immediately following the QEnergySpa, BEFE footbath. However, twenty minutes following the treatment he was given another dose of First Defense. Within 2 hours all symptoms of the flu were clearing and he was becoming his vibrant, smiling self again. Soon afterward I gave him a dose (10 drops) of NDF. The seizure activity stopped. Because the BEFE raised his ‘amperage’, he was again able to utilize the First Defense and get the benefit, clear up the acute condition, and then move on to dealing with 17 with the aggravation of the chronic seizure activity. The big question is how do you keep a kid out of a swimming pool?

Life Long Undiagnosed Mercury Toxicity

A male, age 52, was dragged into my office by peer pressure. He had been sick every day of his life, had spent all of his lifelong discretionary income on doctors, and hated them. I looked at his long list of symptoms and history of diseases and asked him if he had amalgam fillings. He did. I asked him if his mother had amalgams during her pregnancy with him. She had. I was roughly the sixtieth doctor he had seen but the first who had inquired about the possibility of metal toxicity. (Given the polluted status of our bodies and environment, doesn’t it seem like heavy metal toxicity testing should be included in every new patient intake visit!?) After testing I told him I was convinced that mercury was his problem and that I would eat my hat if I were wrong. He told me, in a depressed and very serious tone, that I would also eat his hat if I were wrong. He tested for NDF as the single remedy so I told him to start slowly and work up. He elected to do a full NDF challenge test. The results came back with only a 5% increase in mercury. I wondered what hats tasted like. I called him and asked what dose he had taken. “Five drops, as you told me,” I said it was 5 droppers full, not five drops, and would he like

to repeat the challenge? “No, I don’t need to. I’m feeling better already. I believe you. I’m not depressed anymore, but I’m mad as hell that I’ve been walking around poisoned for all these years and didn’t know it.” He came into the office a few days ago to get some more NDF, smiling….!!! He’s currently up to ten drops twice a day.

Low Battery / Metal Toxicity

Male, age 55, history of amalgams since removed, tests as a Category 1 with a low battery focus. He is not ill, simply looking for prevention, but everything he tries makes him feel worse. He is a high-powered, high-stress, successful businessman with 80 employees. Most notable in his questionnaire is that he only chews his food 3-4 times per bite and never relaxes at a meal. He also has a large, protruding abdomen but is not obese. I gave him a choice: “Either I can sell you an $8,000 laser system, a $2800 QEnergySpa, BEFE device, or a $3,000 IIO2 unit, because you probably don’t have time to come into my office 3 times a week for treatments with my units, any of which will temporarily and artificially correct your low battery focus, 18 upon which you may become dependent if you don’t identify and correct the cause, OR, you can try something simple and free that may correct the problem forever and assist you in becoming a self-sufficient and empowered person: chew your food to a liquid at each bite and only sit down to eat at a table with people you adore who won’t talk business with you. If you do have to sit down for a business or stressful meal, drink bottled water instead of eating food because you can’t talk while you’re chewing or digest if you’re stressed.” He decided to chew. I also took him off chicken (Blood Type B). One week later the low battery focus was gone and he then tested positive for NDF. The next step (leap for him) is a Mayr Cure.

Unknown Type of Poisoning

A male, age 35, had been severely fatigued and had cognitive dysfunction for 6 years. He had tried many kinds of treatments to no avail, all of which had aggravated his symptoms and produced a ‘healing crisis’. He was suspicious of doctors and only came to see me because his friend begged him to and had told him that I did not believe in the healing crisis approach. He had his amalgams removed several years back and that had made no difference. His mother had amalgams during the pregnancy, but he attributed the onset of his symptoms to the day he had been surfing near a sewage treatment plant. He never felt the same afterward. He tested for NDF. I checked in on him a week later and he said, “The fog cleared yesterday for the first time, and it’s still gone today.” He’s taking 1 ml twice a day.

Mercury Toxicity and Hair Loss

A male, age 56, with lab verification of multiple metal toxicity, has been using various chelators and detox protocols, including Chinese herbs, for several years, usually with the unwanted result of increased hair loss and healing crisis symptoms. He says he has come to the conclusion that if the program makes his hair fall out, it’s not for him. He started NDF about three weeks ago, using Ingestion Testing, and reports that hundreds of new hairs are now growing on his head. He is feeling much better. I bring this case up because according to Chinese Medicine, the kidneys control the growth of hair, which means that NDF is concurrently healing the kidneys from an energetic point of view. 19


You should see the look on my patient’s faces when, at the end of the first visit, I tell them “If I got the diagnosis, remedy, and dosage right, you should only feel better. If you feel worse, it means that I’ve either missed something, the prescription is wrong, or you are not following instructions. Stop and call me immediately.” Most of them are so used to being told that they have to feel worse to get better than this comes as a big, and welcome, surprise.

By using the kind of individualized protocol described in this paper it is possible to go through heavy metal detox not only without a healing crisis but feeling better constantly during the entire duration of the process. Throughout detox, the amount of time spent in the Window of Improvement and the quality of well-being continues to increase as more and more heavy metals and other toxins are eliminated and the system thus has the growing opportunity to self-regulate with minimal intervention.

Resource Directory

  • Pleomorphic (Sanum) Products – 602-439-7977,
  • Qi machine – Dr. Bill Sniechowski DC – 310-459-2209
  • QEnergySpa, BEFE footbath – Debbie Allen, Burlington, IA  319-208-1929
  • NDF, NDF-Plus, LiverLife, MouthMagic, Colloidal crystal complex – BioRay – 310-473-1813
  • Quantum unit, Microwater – Kenneth Muchnij – 818-265-3993
  • Trinity Water – 800-390-5693
  • IIO2, P-2001, Mayr Cure – OIRF – 250-497-6020
  • Pines Dissolving Barley Grass – 800-697-4637
  • Silver & Clove, LiverLife, OxyOxc (mg. peroxide), sacro-b, chaparral – Scientific
  • Biologics 714-847-9355
  • K-min – Daily Mfg. – 704-782-0700
  • Soverign Silver – 888-328-8840
  • Olive leaf – East Park – 702-433-9040
  • First Defense – ChildLife – 310-305-4680
  • Biozyme – PhytoPharmica – 800-553-2370
  • Chitosan / Liposan Ultra – Werum R&D –
  • citrate – Spectrum Chemical – 800-772-8786


  1. Long-standing peer opinion in the Biological Medicine field. I don’t know who said it first.
  2. The Mobilization and Elimination of Systemic Heavy Metals in the Context of Biological Medicine” by T. Ray, Explore, V10, #5.
  3. The Low Battery Focus” by T. Ray, Explore, V10, #4.
  4. Go to and for information.
  5. Go to for information.
  6. You can find more information about this test at
  7. Information on this testing modality can be seen at or at
  8. George Goodheart DC found out 20 years ago, and Royal Lee before him, that supplements need to be chewed and tasted at each dose to achieve maximum effect. If taken in a gel cap, soft-gel, or entero coated, the sublingual receptors that go to the brain only send the message that what was tasted is coming in, and therefore the brain is not synchronized into the processing of the actual remedy. This method is also of use in pointing out to the patient that some of the stuff they are taking is so disgusting, rancid, and nauseating they would never allow it down their throats and past their basic instincts. With some supplements, like HCL and enzymes, only a small taste is required. These are two reasons why I prefer liquid and whole food supplements instead of pills, chemicals, and injections (in nature a bee sting, snake, spider, or mosquito bite). Medicine, like food, needs to be chewed.
  9. The patient sits down until they are relaxed then takes their pulse rate. The easy way is with an automatic BP cuff, or, count beats for 10 seconds and then multiply by 6. Write down the number. Take a dose. Take the pulse again at 30 minutes and 1 hour. If it has deviated from normal by 10 beats either up or down, the dose or remedy is not appropriate. Wait a few hours and start over. If there is no deviation, try it again at a larger dose until the “Window” is reached. If the pulse stays the same but they feel worse, they are instructed to come in for a visit.
  10. The test subjects ran out of patience after sitting still for four hours.
  11. Preliminary Results Using Real-Time Digital EEG to Record the Effects of an Organic Heavy Metal Detoxification Supplement (NDF) on the Brain for 2 Hours After Ingestion” by Dr. J. Randol Christman, D.Ac., unpublished.
  12. The Methylation of Mercuric Chloride by Human Intestinal Bacteria“; Experientia, 31:9; 1975; Sept 15, 1064-5; IR Rowland; P Grasso; MJ Davies; British Industrial Biological Research Association, Woodmansterne Road, Cashalton, Surrey, SM5 4DS, England.
  13. I understand that Diedrich Klinghardt MD thinks that the body actually fosters the presence of candida in the heavy metal toxic patient because its cell wall binds to the metals, providing a measure of protection. If the candida cell wall is lysed, the metals are released. In the clinic, I’ve seen the candida go away as the metals are removed, without a healing crisis.
  14. See “Coffee Enema Techniques” by Morton Walker in Explore, V10, #5.
  15. and
  16. Pleomorphic (Sanum) Products can be reached at 602-439-7977,
  17. Noted by Dr. Thomas Rau at one of his seminars on Isopathic Therapy.
  18. This company offers an excellent line of supplements for children; its founder and formulator, Dr. Murray Clarke, LAc DH, has specialized in pediatrics for many years.

ChildLife can be reached at 310-305-4680. Or, see their website at

Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa? | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets

Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | QEnergySpa, BEFE Consumables | Support

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place.

First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the used models, Go here. Lastly, what is new at Check out our Blog, look here.

Q2Spa| Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | Foot Bath Tips | Veggie Trials | BEFE Parts

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Bio-Electric Field Enhancement BEFE

The Bio-Electric Field Enhancement, BEFE

Bio-Electric Field Enhancement (BEFE) Technology

Bio-Electric Field Enhancement - Original BEFE TechnologyThe Bio-Electric Field Enhancement Unit (QEnergySpa, BEFE) was presented at the Global Sciences Congress in Boulder, Colorado in August 1999. At the time, it was and still is, the original and the ONLY home-based therapies developed by Q-Tech Laboratories (Q the Experience, Future Life Science) in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. The QEnergySpa and BEFE were invented by Mr. Terry Skrinjar.  Also, engineered by Ivan Krell Serensen.


Bio-Electric Field Enhancement is Energetic MedicineRe-enforces Your BioElectric Field

Electric medicine was commonly used last century and early this century until the pharmaceutical industry began supporting medical schools, then the teaching of electric medicine was eliminated.

Bio-Electric Field Enhancement Power Unit

Some healing systems use a square wave dc pulse to affect the body, but water contains a bio-charge pattern where the frequencies are constantly changing and have patterns within patterns. Our bodies are electrical and seventy percent water or more, so, logically, the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement Unit could not only recharge our bodies, and therefore enhance healing and reduce stress, but achieve a rate of success that has not been achieved using any other principles. It is a therapeutic aid to pain management and healing and much more.

Very few medical devices are as visual as the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement unit.

BEFE Model 3006It is placed in a normal bathtub after the person to receive the therapy is already in the water. The unit delivers a bio-charge to the body’s own frequency, which recharges the body’s electrical system, and gives you an energy boost. The treatment lasts from 25 –30 minutes. The water becomes interestingly discolored. Not that that has anything to do with the Detoxification in any way.

BEFE Benefits

The benefits of the unit are almost unlimited and include increased vitality and energy, pain relief, faster recovery time, improved concentration and sleeping patterns, increased perception and well-being improved liver, kidney, and endocrine function, as well as reduced inflammation and swelling. Other benefits include reduced arthritic and menstrual pain, assisting with incontinence, and gout conditions, organic toxin neutralization, and much more. The complex magnetic fields of the unit permeate and realign your own body’s energy field which allows the body to function better.


The unit is designed for use by all ages as it has no side effects as the energies are the same and are therefore completely safe. It cannot be used by people who have battery-operated implants such as pacemakers, or implanted organs, during pregnancy or while on a course of life-sustaining prescription drugs. Organic medicines such as herbs are not considered drugs. Any prescription is best taken over an hour on either side of using the BEFE (QEnergySpa, BEFE). The units come ready to use and have Q-Techs (Q the Experience, Future Life Science) guaranteed after-sales service to ensure your unit works at peak performance at all times. All units are built to meet all international electrical medical safety standards and electrical safety standards for use in a bathroom.

Did you learn all that you need to know about Bio-Electric Field Enhancement BEFE?

Got more questions and/or concerns? Please feel free to contact me via email, as noted below, or call me at 319-208-1929. I look forward to sharing more. – Debbie Allen


Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa? | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets

Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | QEnergySpa, BEFE Consumables | Support

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place.

First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the used models, Go here.

Lastly, what is new at Check out our Blog, look here.

Q2Spa| Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | Foot Bath Tips | Veggie Trials | BEFE Parts

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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History of QEnergySpa BEFE

 History of QEnergySpa BEFE Hydrotherapy

Model 3006   Model 3024   B.E.F.E. Array   Array 2000
Model 2100/2500   Model 3100   Model 4100/4105
Q Orb   Orb II   q26, q36, q46  q47    Current Models    ..coming soon q6000


There are several previous models of the QEnergySpa® and water modules that are no longer available for purchase. However, if you already have one of these models, we do have parts available (Rings and Track). CLICK HERE to order.
Creator of the QEnergySpa BEFE Technology: Terry Skrinjar 2004 Scottsdale, AZ

History of QEnergySpa BEFE with Terry SkrinjarThe history of this technology, known as the QEnergySpa began in Australia, early 1996 when Mr. Terry Skrinjar (pictured here) and friends contemplated and debated potential technologies based upon Quantum Reality Field Science (QRFS), a term coined by Mr. Skrinjar. With a strong interest in alternative health, the question was posed: “Could QRFS be used to create a device that would have the potential to “cure just about anything”? With this challenge, Mr. Skrinjar proceeded to draw up design specifications of the world’s very first unit “created to re-balance and amplify the Bio-Energetic Signature of the body” – Terry Skrinjar 1997. The intention was to use water as a medium, due to its unique properties.

Experimental Array Prototype

Early Array - Junk Yard DogThe picture here represents the very first ‘experimental’ prototype, affectionately referred to as the ‘Junk Yard Dog’ which Mr. Skrinjar assembled using items collected from a farm junkyard.


Gizmo prototypeGizmo Prototype Array History

The initial design of the Gizmo prototype was constructed, consisting of a series of parallel rings to act as an antenna or Array. Scaled up a prototype (Gizmo). A company was formed in order to develop and market this innovative product. Upon completion, the Gizmo was trialed, with a suitable power supply, by a number of family and friends associated with QtheExperience. With numerous benefits reported the commercialization of this device began.

The Gizmo was later called the “Array” of the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement unit (B.E.F.E. unit), which became the “Q2 Water Energy System”, followed by the “Q2 EnergySpa” and is now marketed as the “QEnergySpa”.

QEnergySpa/BEFE History of First Array and Array 2000

Early Array Styles

The Array 2000 (water module) was QtheExperience’s second mainstream Array. It was shipped with the B.E.F.E. power supply model numbers: 3006, 3024B, 3024D, and 2100s.  During the following two years, QtheExperience researched and developed both the original Array and the power source to drive it. Several design changes were made, pictured to the left, to make the unit more user-friendly, aesthetic and to allow for commercial production. However, the core construct and composition of the rings in the Array remained virtually unchanged. CLICK HERE for the step-by-step illustration on how to change the Rings and Track.


Mr. Ivan SerensenIt was also during this time that Mr. Ivan Serensen joined the company as a Director and Electrical Engineer. Redesigning and building a new power source properly based on the Quantum Resonance principles to power the Array in order to further improve the technology. He is still our engineer today.

Vintage 1999: (Bio-Electric Field Enhancer) BEFE MODEL #3006

BEFE 3006 with array and attenuatorThe B.E.F.E. (Bio-Electric Field Enhancement) Unit model 3006 was one of the first power supplies released to the public by Q Tech Laboratories. It was released in January 1999.


Vintage 2001: BEFE MODEL #3024

BEFE 3024 with arrayThe B.E.F.E. (Bio-Electric Field Enhancement) Unit model 3024 was the second mainstream power supply released to the public by QtheExperience. The first revision was designated 3024B, followed later by a second revision designated 3024D. The 3024B was released in September of 2001. The BEFE-3024 The Q2 Water Energy System was upgraded to include a built-in attenuator. The design is more compact which also allows for the use of less water making it more environmentally friendly.



BEFE has approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration

Although the BEFE has received official approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (comparable to the US FDA) for marketing as a therapeutic spa/medical device, Skrinjar points out that it is not actually a medical device and does not diagnose or treat any disease. Rather, it is a sophisticated spa system that energizes water, which is used as a conductive medium. The body itself does the healing, after absorbing this bio-energy as needed.

2003: New Q Orb

Initial Orb 2003 In 1999 QtheExperience became International and as such had to comply with the International Electrical Safety Standards required that the rings and components within the Array had to be fully enclosed, so that the user can not make contact with the rings. This was the impetus and birth of the Orb as shown here. The enhanced design of the NEW ORB vs. the Old Array – allows for less interference from the tracks connecting the various rings to the power source. This means that the ORB can establish a more effective quality of field, improved clarity, and bio-energy enhancement between you and the water. Today there are thousands of these units throughout the world and the number is growing exponentially as the word spreads about the benefits this technology provides for its users.

March 2003 History

… this NEW System, known as the Q2 Water Energy Spa System. The Model 3100 replaced the BEFE 3024D. New models included the Personal Use Model 2100 and the Professional Model 4100.  Also, the new ORB II – pictured below, replaced the ARRAY.

Model 2100/2500 – Model 3100 – Professional Model 4100/4105


Model 2500 QEnergySpa
Model 3100 QEnergySpa
Model 4105 QEnergySpa

2003 -New Orb

Q2Orb with Blue Bottom Shell

This enhanced design and assembly of the orb include a (blue bottom shell).
The enhanced design of the NEW ORB includes a latch for the cable to attach
more firmly.  This means that the ORB can establish a more effective quality
of the field, improved clarity, and bio-energy enhancement between you and the water.




June 2004 – Series II Orb History

Clear Orb
The enhanced design of the NEW ORB II, made with clear acrylic allows for less interference.
This means that the Orb can establish a more effective quality of the field, resulting in improved clarity and bio-energy enhancement. The latch is now part of the bottom shell, making the cable easier to attach, for ease of use and functionality.

January 2013 – Models q26, q36, and q46 History

The Q Energy Spa continues proudly to remain the world leader in noninvasive Bio-Energy Hydro-therapy technology, in Australia by QBiotechnologies, Pty. Ltd.

QEnergySpa, BEFE Personal q26

QEnergySpa, BEFE Home User Model q36


Feb 2014: Model q47 History

This release supersedes the previous q46; including a significant improvement in stability and power clarity. The q47 boosts the overall bio-energy efficiency and is also available as an upgrade
for all users of the models 4100, 4105, and the later q46.



April 2023: New Model: q6000

QEnergySpa Q6000
QEnergySpa Q6000

This is the best model the world has to offer. Nothing else comes close. The q6000 supersedes the models 4100, 4105, q46, and q47.

This model will be the ultimate in Anti-Aging, faster recovery, and overall health. Re-Energize & Re-Vitalize your body for wellness you will soon discover to be better than you have felt in years. In fact, potentially 5 to 10 years younger. Currently taking PRE-ORDERS NOW: Order New Model: q6000

Current: 2020

Our current models include q26 and q37. Soon to be available q6000.
We have new q26, q37 in stock, and shipping right now.

QEnergySpa, BEFE Personal q26





Today there are thousands of these units throughout the world and the number is growing exponentially as the word spreads about the benefits this technology provides for its users. Nothing works better and performs like the Original QEnergySpa. For that reason, insist on it ONLY. See all of our QEnergySpa products. Go here. | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets |
Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | Display all QEnergySpa Products Look here.

You may always contact us with any questions or part requests.

We are here to help you set up your session. Nothing looks and performs like a genuine QEnergySpa Footbath. For that reason, Pros insist on them. Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa Footbath? Does your orb or array have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. Online Since 2002

Genuine QEnergySpa Parts| Orbs and Cables | Fuses | Array Parts | How-To-Q

First of all, we have QEnergySpa Parts in stock.

Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs – which have the potential 10% to 30% increase in efficiency! The most asked-for parts include cables, fuses, orbs, and ring and track sets. Service Parts for QEnergySpa, orbs, arrays | User Guides and Manuals. Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.