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Water colors From Sessions

Water Colors, Dirt, and Smells

Water colors seem to be a common subject with footbaths. The coloration and precipitation of the water colors after every session is primarily due to the following. A combination of the degradation of the rings within the Orb (water module) and the impurities present in the water source. However, if these were the only two factors affecting coloration and these factors remained constant, one would expect the same coloration outcomes after every session. This is not the case. Several other factors also play a role.Water colors evaluated | QEnergySpa sessions conversation

The main factors that affect water colors are:

  • Water Source
  • Conductive Agent
  • The person in the session
  • The temperature of the water
  • Weather and other Environmental Factors
  • Orb
  • Power Supply
  • Container used
  • Please Note: A session without any person in it may also cause discoloration and precipitation in the water.

In the industrialized world of today, “living” energetically charged water is a rarity. In our drinking water supply systems, water is exposed to the detrimental energetic effects of straight unnatural water pipes, high main pressures, and chemical treatments. Water is not allowed to move in its naturally winding way thereby causing loss of life force. Negative energetic imprints from chemicals, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and sterilizers remain in the water, even after the physical removal of such substances. (Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig & Prof. Jacques Benveniste)

Factors affecting water colors.

1. Water Source:

Under ideal water conditions, no discoloration and precipitation occur. Note that water sources are ever-changing. For example, the conductivity and atmospheric electrical activity alter during certain times of the year and may fluctuate during periods of rain.

     Tap water (treated) – Generally has good conductivity and is readily available. Discoloration and precipitation depend on the treatment by your local water treatment plant and other local environmental factors.

    Well or groundwater – Generally very conductive, may require diluting by adding either tank or distilled water. Different sources of bore water affect the colors and precipitation differently. Environmental factors play a large role.

Tank or distilled water – Generally very little conductivity. Often requires a small amount of ‘Conductive Agent’ for the unit to operate (the only instance that anything should be added to the water).

During the session, some of the minerals, chemicals, and other impurities suspended in the water, along with the degradation of the rings, congeal to form large molecules, evident in more precipitation and discoloration.

2. Conductive agent (salt):

Under normal circumstances, no ‘Conductive Agent’ is required for the QEnergySpa to operate. In the rare event that the conductivity of the water is too low, a ‘Conductive Agent’ may be added. Adding ‘Conductive Agent’ results in increased precipitation and coloration. Rock salt or sea salt are the only two current ‘Conductive Agents’ we recommend. At the rate of ¼ – ½ teaspoon per 3 gallons of water (1g per gallon).

Please note: NEVER use Himalayan Pink Salt.

Most pink Himalayan salt actually comes from a Pakistani government-owned mine that’s south of the famed mountains. The Khewra Salt Mine is now a tourist attraction, but its history is violent. During British colonial rule, the British forced locals to work in slave-like conditions in the mine. Even today, wages are low. Pakistani newspaper The Dawn reported in 2018 that a miner makes 350 Pakistani rupees, or about $2.50, for every ton of salt excavated. 

Group Footbath Session3. Person in session:

We all have unique bio-energy fields or signatures (which are constantly changing due to various exposures) much like fingerprints. Even identical twins with seemingly the same health status have different bio-energetic fields. These different bio-energy fields interact differently with the water, resulting in diverse colors and solids.

One of the most common misconceptions is that people using these devices are detoxifying through the soles of their feet and that the resulting color is a direct clinical interpretation indicative of specific ailments. This is a medical ‘Detox hoax’. No interpretation or diagnosis should ever be applied to any color and or precipitation. A visual inspection of the water in the first few minutes during the session will clearly show the precipitation arising from the ORB and NOT from around your feet.

Various color of water in foot bath sessionsDetoxification takes place through the body’s natural channels and is but one aspect of regaining better health.

The QEnergySpa is capable of much more. A test of 13 people was conducted using the same water on the same day resulting in different colors and sediments. The lightest water colors (top left of picture) came from the heaviest smoker in the room, clearly showing that no interpretation can be applied to the water colors and the toxins are not drawn out of the soles of the feet.


4. Temperature of the water:

Changing the temperature changes the conductivity of the water. It also affects the lattice structure of the water. The temperature of the water helps determine the release rate of toxins from the water. Hot water will release solids at a faster rate than cold water, provided there are materials in the water that can be released. Even though heating the water damages the lattice structure, the critical temperature for the ‘damage’ to occur is 87.1 degrees Celsius, which is well inside the critical temperature for sessions. That said, please use the water temperature that suits you to leave your feet in for 35 minutes. Personally, I prefer hot water.

As a result of the vast misinformation from competitive products in the marketplace regarding water colors and detoxification, Q the Experience experimented with an earlier model power supply and Array to demonstrate the differences that can be achieved by changing water temperature. Two trials were conducted using 33 and 45 degrees Celsius water. In this experiment water temperature was the only variable, all other factors remained constant. Note: this water was treated by itself, no human contact was made during the session.

The first test uses ordinary
reticulated tap water
temperatures at 33ºC.
The second test uses ordinary
reticulated tap water
temperatures at 45ºC.

Picture 1a: Prior to beginning. 33C

Picture 1b: Prior to beginning. 45C

Picture 1a: Before the beginning.
Note the number of lights on the power supply in the background.
Picture 1b: Before the beginning.
Picture 2a After 10 MinutesPicture 2b After 10 Minutes
Picture 2a: After 10 MinutesPicture 2b: After 10 Minutes
Notice that the color and the amount of sedimentation are already more than that shown in the Picture 2a.
Picture 3a After 20 Minutes

Picture 3b After 20 Minutes

Picture 3a: After 20 MinutesPicture 3b: After 20 Minutes
Notice that the sediment on top and the color of the water
are darker.
Picture 4a After 35 Minutes

Picture 4b After 35 Minutes

Picture 4a: After 35 MinutesPicture 4b: After 35 Minutes. Slightly darker again.
The above images show that a small increase in temperature from 33ºC to 45ºC will increase the sedimentation and discoloration of the water considerably.
This is proof that “Temperature” does in fact impact the outcome in the water.

5. Weather and other environmental factors:

Water itself is not only very sensitive to the weather but also to the entire environment. The electrical activity including the conductivity can fluctuate during extreme weather conditions. Proximity to natural and man-made exposures including (but not limited to) geological formations, mineral deposits, chemicals/toxins, electrical influences such as power lines, microwaves, electrical storms, solar flares, lunar cycle, radio frequencies, and radiations present in the immediate environment at the time of the session will influence water discoloration and precipitation. The graph on the left indicates the electrical activity of water recorded over a twelve (12) hour period. As you can see it is not static but is in fact very active. Water is completely interactive with the environment.

6. The Orb (water module):

With every use, the rings encased within the Orb degrade. The extent of degradation or corrosion in the water is determined by such factors as the water source and the presence of the conductive agent.

7. Power supply:

The components, as well as the type of power supply used for this technology, although minimal, will affect the coloration and precipitation of the water after the session. For example, switch-mode power supplies found in other brands are less suited for bio-energetic use, creating considerably higher levels of precipitation and coloration. The QEnergySpa utilizes a transformer-based technology that is designed and manufactured to specific safety and Quantum Reality Field Science (QRFS) standards.

8. Container used:

The energetic properties or signature of the bath container also impact the coloration and precipitation of the water. We recommend you use an (in order of preference) pure quartz crystal bowl, a raw untreated copper bowl, glass, ceramic or plastic bowl (for ease of use, a disposable plastic bag or liner may be used). You can also use your bathtub. The only stipulation is that the bowl cannot be made of or contains Aluminum or uncoated fiberglass. Size and shape matter little, as long as the orb is fully submerged and you can fit a part of your body in the water.

Looking for deeper knowledge? Read the QUANTUM SCIENCE Page here.

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QEnergySpa BEFE Safety

Safety on the QEnergySpa BEFE (Water & Electricity)?

Of course, it is…The technology is designed to meet the International Standards IEC 60601.1 for electrical safety and international safety standards to Spa and Bathroom situations.

Why it is safe?

The QEnergySpa, BEFE has been designed and constructed with the end-users utmost safety in mind. No expense has been spared in the manufacture of the QEnergySpa, BEFE. The QEnergySpa, BEFE features many safety aspects, some of which are outlined below.

Safety Features of the QEnergySpa, BEFE

The QEnergySpa, BEFE is built to meet the very stringent International Electrical Safety Standards, IEC 60601.1, and is compliant with the domestic CE mark.

The unit is powered by AC and when plugged into your wall it delivers a very specific DC (Direct Current) between 0.3 Amps to 3 Amps at about 27 volts DC, with a maximum of 30 volts DC.

Safety Australia Testing & Certification1. The QEnergySpa, BEFE has been tested by the Australian Government Testing Facilities to ensure it complies with both electrical and the Medical Standards. Being built to the Medical Standard ensures a number of safety aspects such as fuse protection on both the active and the neutral power cables to the Unit.

2. The output is short-circuit protected, ensuring that if there is an external problem the unit will not be damaged.

Safety - Double bobbin cable construction3. The Manufacturer specified transformer has a Double bobbin construction. This method of construction ensures that the mains voltage stays on the primary side of the transformer, preventing any electrical connection from the mains to the output. This ensures that the user is isolated from any mains voltages, even if there is a fault in the transformer. Please view the cutaway photo of the transformer in the power supply. As a further assurance to you, the windings are flash tested to 4000 volts.

4. The Power Supply is IP67 rated. This means it is splash-proof and dust-proof.

5. The QEnergySpa is hand made. Full inspections are carried out at every stage of manufacture. The QEnergySpa, BEFE is fully tested for safety and correct operation prior to leaving the factory.

Recharge Your Cells

The QEnergySpa works through the medium of water by making available extra energy that living cells can utilize. There are a variety of different cells in the body. They all require water for hydration AND energy to perform at their optimum levels. With the depletion of either water OR energy, the cells are deprived and poor health can result. This is why the QEnergySpa is so beneficial. A footbath session keeps your cells healthy and energized. Users report that regular footbath sessions have improved their health and wellness. And a QEnergySpa footbath session doesn’t take a lot of time either, just 35 minutes every second or third day.

Why We Need To Detox or Re-energize with the QEnergySpa

What’s the rationale for a footbath detox? The main reason we need to detox is that our bodies (especially our livers and kidneys) have become saturated with toxins. Toxins? Me? Yes, we absorb a variety of toxins through the air we breathe, the fluids we drink, and the food we eat. Toxins can be from air smog, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, poisons, heavy metals, and substances we don’t even know are leaching into our bodies. They may even be lurching in from our carpet, clothing, or furniture.

Many toxins we ingest are additives and preservatives put into our food.

Were you even aware of that? Toxins and poor-quality food accelerate the aging process at a cellular level. A periodic foot detox with the QEnergySpa helps counter this process by removing toxins from your body. QSpa users feel relaxed and experience heightened mental clarity. Users report that periodic foot bath sessions provide a greater long term benefit.

We have most items in stock.

In addition, the most requested items include Ring and Track sets for the Orb or Array, Cables, Fuses. Plus we have a variety of new and used machines for home or clinic use.


Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa? | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets

Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | QEnergySpa, BEFE Consumables | Support

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place.

First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the used models, Go here.

Lastly, what is new at Check out our Blog, look here.

Q2Spa| Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | Foot Bath Tips | Veggie Trials | BEFE Parts

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Electromagnetic Field in QEnergySpa

Electromagnetic Field

The QEnergySpa Utilizes the Principle of Resonance. Each ring has a vibrational resonant frequency as well as an electromagnetic field resonant frequency. When each ring’s resonant frequency interacts with another ring’s resonant frequency, it combines to form a third signal (frequency) which will then interact with another ring’s resonant frequency producing the fourth signal… and so on… and so on… The end result is a combined, complex global field. When a cell is exposed to the multiple harmonics produced by the QEnergySpa, strengthening occurs when the cell picks up its natural frequency. But what is resonance? Below is an explanation followed by a few examples to assist you in better understanding this phenomenon.

Complex Resonant Electromagnetic Field

Resonance occurs when one frequency raises or lowers to the same level as another frequency. When an object is exposed to its natural frequency it will pick up or resonate with that frequency. The power of the principle of resonance stems from the fact that each frequency is changed by the presence of the other frequency until a form of unification, a flow of energy, and information is established that allows for a reciprocal exchange. To understand resonance, we must rethink our notion of people as objects in space and time that are separate, not only from all other objects but also from the planet earth.

Electromagnetic Field (EMF)

Everybody has an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) that is also impacted by the EMF field of the earth. We are all literally a bunch of vibrating, resonating molecules. The vibratory rate of your bio-field (the EMF field surrounding your body) will change until resonance is established.

Electromagnetic Field - Understanding Resonance

Molecule Resonate in Harmony

Each molecule resonates in harmony with some molecules but not others, just like a tuning fork. A tuning fork ‘pings’ at a certain resonance and ‘tunes in’ to some objects but not others. If it ‘pings’ as a “Doe”, other items that are “Doe” will vibrate as well. But if those objects are “Ray” or “Me” or any of the other tunes, it will not resonate.

Electromagnetic Field Resonance

A more familiar example of resonance occurs when the wire antenna on your radio picks up a broadcast many miles away. In this instance, energy with embedded information is transferred from the broadcast station to the short wire on your radio which is actually set in motion by the broadcast.

Radio Antenna Frequency

There is no wire that connects your radio antenna to the broadcast station. The radio antenna is designed, by virtue of its length, to resonate with the wavelengths of the radio broadcast, i.e. the antenna actually vibrates in concert with the radiation coming from the broadcast station. Your speakers’ then transform the information carried on the waves and rebroadcast this information into sound.

Resonance Transfers Energy

Because resonance transfers energy as well as information, it can also be used in a destructive fashion. For instance, Caruso the famous opera singer was famous for knocking a glass with his spoon to discover its resonant frequency. Then he would sing that exact note and break the glass. That is, the resulting resonance between his voice and the glass would cause all the molecules of the glass to vibrate so strongly that the glass would break.


Another example of resonance is the difference in taste when the wine is drunk from a crystal glass compared to the taste when drunk from a plastic or paper cup. Wine from a good quality crystal glass is noticeably smoother and has a much more satisfying taste.

Try it yourself:

Crystal Wine Glass or Paper Cup

Although it is exactly THE SAME WINE that is used in the crystal glass and the paper cup, the Crystal has a certain resonance that literally makes the wine molecules vibrate at a higher frequency which unlocks the flavor more readily than the plastic or paper cup. Our final example is the violin. When two violins have been precisely tuned and if the string on one violin is plucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will start to vibrate as well. | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets
Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | Display all QEnergySpa Products Look here.

Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs – which have the potential 10% to 30% increase in efficiency!

Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.