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Refer a Friend

Refer a Friend Program

Refer a Friend - Referral Program offers a generous referral program that rewards our current customers for sharing with friends and colleagues. Every time a new customer purchases (and keeps) a Q Energy Spa because of your efforts, you will receive up to $500!

Refer-a-Friend Program – Do you know someone who could benefit?

Refer a Friend Gal on couch with Feet in foot tub and orb

We are not allowed to say that the Q Energy Spa has treated and or cured anything. We are plain simply not allowed, to comply with the FDA. That said, has been able to help thousands of people when customers just like you share their experiences with family, friends, and colleagues.


Share the QEnergySpa

We believe that if you take the time to discuss the benefits of the Q Energy Spa with others, you should be rewarded for your time and effort. has, from the very beginning in 1997, offered a referral program with great success. The details of the program are as follows.

Refer a Friend Program FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why would I want to join your referral program?

    • It is free to join
    • You may earn hundreds of dollars for referrals.
    • Commissions will increase as you accumulate more referrals.

  • Receive special discounts for Q Energy Spa/BEFE purchases.
  • Refer people to purchase units or buy at a discount yourself and resell them.
  • Our guarantee is the best.

What are the Refer A Friend programs – Who can join?

In essence, you become familiar with a product or service, in this case, the Q Energy Spa / BEFE, and through your creative marketing ideas… send visitors with your honest recommendation to

We track your visitors through your unique Affiliate Link. A “lifetime cookie” is recorded in our database and if people you recommend buy a Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit now, or in the future, you’re paid a commission. If a potential customer calls us on the phone, we can easily identify the affiliate source that way too. Anyone can join the Affiliate Referral Program, who is honest, intelligent, and creative. If you own a competing brand and want to switch, you are also welcome.

I bought my Q Energy Spa unit somewhere else. Can I still join?
Yes. No problem.

I am in another referral program. Can I still join?
If the program you are in does not suit you, we would consider it a compliment to have you “on board”. We will do our best to make sure that you will be a happy customer. Feel free to call and chat with me and discuss your curiosities.

Do I have to do a lot of paperwork?
No. All you need to do is provide your contact information including the address for mailing payments. We track your referrals as purchases are made, and send commission checks after each purchase.

When and how do I get paid? offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on each Q Energy Foot Spa sold. You get paid every month, near the 30th of each month, based on un-returned referred sales from the previous month.

When I refer someone to call you and place an order, what do they need to provide you with to confirm I get a referral?
Just your name or affiliate ID is all that is required.

Can I buy multi-units or wholesale purchases? Any special pricing?
Yes. Please call and we will be glad to help you.

Can I get a discount instead of a Refer a Friend commission?
Yes. Once you have made your initial Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit purchase you may receive a discount equaling the corresponding referral amount that you are entitled to as a Refer-a-friend-program for any Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit purchased directly by you. Also, if you personally request to extend your discount to a family member or friend, we will do so for you. This will also count towards your unit count total.

Can I do this part-time?
Yes, the Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit Footbath Affiliate Program is a great income-earning solution no matter how much time you have. The important thing is the quality of your intention and attention.

Do I have to buy a Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit Footbath in order to become an affiliate?
No – but we recommend that you own one. To answer your question, you don’t have to buy the Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit Footbath if you don’t want to. Have you ever seen a movie that you liked so much and told everyone in sight? There’s a big difference between recommending something that you love and “just having to tell your friends about it.” Or telling them about something because you hope they’ll buy and you’ll get a commission. If you want to be a successful affiliate, owning a Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit is essential. This is the best way to share your own personal experience.

Please note: Affiliate discounts and/or commissions do not apply to first-time Q Energy Spa / BEFE unit purchases made directly by the affiliate. Also, if you personally request to extend your discount to a family member or friend, we will do so for you. This will also count towards your unit count total.

How To Join The Refer a Friend Program:
Joining our referral program is easy. Register Here. You will be taken to our registration page. On this secure page, you will create your affiliate account.

More Information

  • I have some additional questions about your program.
  • Call with questions. Phone: 319-208-1929
  • I am ready to join right now! Register Here

Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa?

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the used models, Go here. | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath

Orb Ring and Track Sets | Orbs and Cables | Array Cables

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Lastly, what is new at Check out our Blog, look here.


The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Cellular Detoxification of the Body

Cellular Detoxification of the Body

This information is for theoretical information purposes only. It is not meant to be utilized
for practical and/or physical purposes. None of the information below should be held as fact.

Cellular Detoxification

Our bodies are constantly under attack from environmental factors. Toxins are becoming a big issue of importance as our environment becomes more polluted. Most of us understand that there are pollutants in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, and the level and types of toxins that now surround us are far too great to list. Some of them occur naturally but most are man-made and it is these toxins that are causing the most concern. The thought of so many heavy metals now showing up in the food is a concern for almost everyone however the real threat comes from all the artificial compounds that are being widely used without almost any understanding of the danger they represent to the human body. Of all the substances we are constantly threatened by it is the silent action of synthetic hormones that can cause serious damage to the genetics of the individual without them being aware of what’s happening.

Cellular Detoxification with Q2 ORB Series II

There is now a way we can start to combat these problems through awareness and with a little help from technology. The Bio-Electric Field Enhancer (Q2 Water Energy System) is the first step. It is technology creating the problem so technology can help control and then start to reverse it. To understand how the Q2 Water Energy System assists the body to detoxify itself we need to understand a little about how the body functions and in particular how our cells work.



Basic Cell The Basic Cell
While there are many cells in our body that
perform different functions and have different
internal structures they all have some basic
function similarities.

All our cells need water to survive and work and they all have 3 basic components (excluding red blood cells that eject their nucleus). These components are the Nucleus, the internal structure, and the plasma membrane. Each of these components when combined performs specific functions. Even though they may perform different specific functions they all intake water, metabolize it and eject a waste product called nucleic acid. This waste product is then dealt with by the body’s main cleaning systems the liver and the kidneys. This flow-through system is very important and when something goes wrong like the cell becoming clogged with toxins problems begin to occur.

Good flow of liquid in Cell

When the cell is functioning correctly it has a good flow of liquid (water) going through it. The liquid has two ways to enter and leave the cell structure.


The outer membrane or plasma membrane is a selectively permeable barrier meaning that it allows some substances to pass while excluding others. When a substance can penetrate the plasma membrane without any energy input from the cell it is called passive transport. When the cell must provide metabolic energy the process is called active transport. The movement of water into the cell is an example of passive transport while the movement of amino acids and most ions across the membrane is active transport.

The Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane as well as being selectively permeable has another very important function. It maintains a potential voltage difference between the internal structure of the cell and the intercellular fluid. Scientists are just now starting to realize the importance of the voltage that exists on the membrane itself. Its electrical value plays a part in helping the membrane be selectively permeable. If this voltage drops too low it contributes to the loss of cell integrity. What is important here is that it has been scientifically proven that an unhealthy cell has a very poor membrane voltage.

Plasma Membrane

There are a lot of things that can start to go wrong when we exert an outside influence on the cell such as a toxin. Our bodies are more than capable of withstanding low levels of toxins but when these levels rise too high, a chain of events starts to take place and the integrity of the cell is compromised. The integrity of the cell can be affected from both the outside and the inside and the toxins that cause the problem do not need to come from an external source because the cell itself produces a waste product that could be considered as a toxin. As we have already said the body has a natural defense mechanism for removing toxins from the system. In the average individual, these systems are functioning correctly but under load, the system can break down and result in a toxin build-up. For most people, the threat of toxin build-up is not from having the cleaning system not operating correctly but from the type of toxins we are now exposed to. Some toxins do not remain in the intercellular fluid and become attached to the cell membrane, and if the body is operating below 100% problems can occur.

The number of problems that can occur from detoxification is many. The number of ways that the problems start is also great. There are however a few basic causes that we can address to understand how the body becomes toxic. How we can resolve the problem by helping the body cope using its natural processes.

Intercellular Fluid

Let’s examine 3 basic ways the body becomes toxic in relation to the effect it has on the cell.

1. Toxification by natural waste product, that is build-up of nucleic waste from the cell itself.
2. Toxification by low-level artificial toxins, and man-made compounds.
3. Toxification causing genetic alteration, genetically engineered materials.

It should be noted that although these processes are explained individually they can and do all occur simultaneously.

1. Toxification by natural waste products.

Toxification by natural waste products is where the body accumulates a build-up of the natural waste product from the cell, nucleic waste. This can occur in two ways. 1. Liver and Kidney function is low and is not extracting all of the waste out of the intercellular fluid (blood). 2. Toxins build upon the plasma membrane restricting all of the waste product from leaving the interior of the cell. In the diagram below the basic function of the cell is illustrated. It goes like this, W or water enters the cell via passive transport, and W then reacts with the Internal structure B and Nucleus A. The product of the reaction between W, A, and B is Nucleic waste C. The cell is very efficient when functioning fully and reacts all the W on a 1:1 basis meaning all of the W is used with an equal amount of C being produced.

Low Liver and Kidney Function

Basic Cell: Toxification by natural waste product

When liver and kidney function is low the intercellular fluid becomes contaminated with waste products. What happens then is instead of just W entering the cell, the W becomes Wc meaning a combination of W and C. This causes changes in the reaction inside the cell. Now there is a Wc, Ac, and Bc reaction which is not how the cell is supposed to work. The cell is no longer operating efficiently and the metabolic energy being used is wasteful.


The cell is no longer operating efficiently and the metabolic energy being used is wasteful.

External Toxin Build Up

The external toxin build-up is when toxins begin to accumulate on the outside of the cell. One of the causes of this is when the membrane voltage is poor the toxins can stick to the membrane. This deprives the cell of the natural flow of W into it and also restricts the exit of the nucleic waste. Once again cell function is compromised so the cell can no longer function correctly. The process is cyclic, the more the toxins build up the less efficient the cell becomes, and the longer this goes on the harder it is to reverse the process. There are two processes the body uses to solve this problem. 1. Receiving from external sources what is required to raise the membrane voltage and 2. The white blood cells.

2. Toxification by low-level artificial toxins

Cell Toxins

Toxification by low-level artificial toxins is where a toxin has managed to penetrate the cell membrane and enter into the internal structure. Toxins can achieve this in times of low cell integrity. White blood cells play a part in this operation. One of the things white blood cells do is clean the toxins off of the plasma membrane of the cells. White blood cells damage the membrane during the process of removal leaving it temporarily vulnerable. Once a toxin has entered the internal structure of the cell it causes problems. To eject the toxin the cell requires metabolic energy to perform active transport, that is the cell needs to use its own energy to eject the invader. If the cell does not have the spare energy to do this a build-up can start.

white blood cells clean the cells in the body

The white blood cells clean the cells in the body.  When a white blood cell removes a toxin from the outer surface of the cell it causes some damage. If the cell can not repair in time it is vulnerable and toxins can enter the cell.

3. Toxification causing genetic alteration

Toxification causing genetic alteration is the most serious form of cellular contamination that you may be subjected to. We have already looked at toxins entering a cell and causing problems but what if that toxin was an artificial hormone or carcinogenic substance? The problem now becomes a major issue because if the potential of the toxin is that it can alter the coding of the cell it will do so. When this happens what you end up with is the nucleus and the internal structure incorporating the extra coding resulting in a new nucleus D and a new internal structure E. This is a serious problem and it happens without you even knowing. A lot of the time it takes years before the effect becomes visible to the individual. These types of toxins lead to cancer and genetic disorders. The toxification of this nature is difficult to correct but not impossible.

Toxification causing genetic alteration

Some of the effects of this type of toxin contamination are already becoming evident in the western world where the use of genetic substances and hormones has been in use without public knowledge for some time now. It has become a scientific reality that the new genetic pattern is passed on to the siblings from the parents.

What Bio-Electric Field Enhancement does to your Cells

The Bio-Electric Field Enhancer does as the name suggests, it enhances the bio-Electrics of your cells. As discussed earlier the cells in your body contain an electric charge. This charge is not like the electricity you are familiar with that is used in your home. The first thing the System does is to increase the charge on the plasma membrane surrounding the cell. This applies to all cells throughout the body. This also has an effect on the internal structure of the cell as well because the electrical energy being supplied to the cell is compatible with the metabolic energy of the cell. This effectively increases the available metabolic energy the cell can function with. Once this is achieved a number of things start to happen.

Cell Electric Field Integrity

By increasing the electrical value of the cell membrane we also increase the value of the electrical field that results from the electrical potential on the cell membrane itself. Boosting and extending this field to the effects of the proper parameters the toxins that have attached themselves to the cell membrane. It also helps restore integrity to the actual membrane itself so that the function of being selectively permeable is restored to proper operation. Restoring proper cell function increases the body’s ability to start to process the toxins properly again. The liver and kidney start to remove more of the toxins reducing the load on the rest of the systems.

Once the toxins are detached from the cell membrane they are once again free to be moved by the intercellular fluid. The body’s natural processes with the extra resources take over and remove the toxin through normal systems. This also has the effect of once again letting clean W (intercellular Fluid) flow correctly through the membrane.

electrical value of the cell membrane

With the clean W now flowing through the system, the cells can start to re-balance the internal levels of W and C. The clean intercellular fluid begins to restore the action of the nucleus (A) and the internal structure (B). The effect on A and B is causing the cell to function as Ac and Bc balance so that the Ac + Bc returns to the proper AB function. In effect, the cell has become cleansed with the added benefit of the extra metabolic energy.

Cell and the Intercellular fluid are now restored to normal

The Cell and the Intercellular fluid are now restored to normal function except the metabolic energy now available to the cell is greater.

Cell and the Intercellular fluid are now restored to normal

With the cell in a much healthier state and now having an increased metabolic level of energy it can begin to do its proper function. Toxins that have entered the cell during its poor health can now start to be purged or actively transported from the internal structure. The extra energy now available makes this process possible again. These processes can only be possible because of the energy input to the cell from the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement System.

The Genetic Problem

With the cell in a much healthier state and now having an increased metabolic level of energy

The toxification of a cell at the genetic level means that the cell is no longer functioning as it was intended to. The effect that the toxin has had on the cell, in this case, is that it has caused a coding change to the cell itself. What you end up with is a modified cell that would be different from the original. If the Nucleus and the internal structure were considered as A and B then the modified cell would have a nucleus and internal structure of D and E. Fortunately for us the alteration of the genetic coding in the cell is far more difficult than we are led to believe. To understand how the code can be restored we need to understand what the code is and how it was altered in the first instance.

Cell with modified genetic coding

Human genetic coding is currently called DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. As the name suggests DNA is a form of nucleic acid. This is currently the theory and the question that should be asked is, is deoxyribonucleic acid really our genetic coding or is it a waste product produced as a result of the coding itself? The fact is deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the waste product produced by the cell as a result of the genetic coding of the cell. What scientists have discovered is a crude way of fingerprinting the body’s primary excretion fluid. The coding itself until now has remained somewhat of a mystery. Before we go into the genetic coding itself let’s summarize the basic DNA theory.

It is believed that DNA is housed within the nucleus of the cell. The following is an extract from Encyclopaedia Britannica describing the nucleus of the cell and its function.

The Nucleus

The nucleus is the information center of the cell in all higher organisms. It is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope, and it houses the double-stranded, spiral-shaped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, which contain the genetic information necessary for the cell to retain its unique character as it grows and divides.

Bacteria Do Not Have Nuclei

The presence of a nucleus distinguishes the eukaryotic cells of multicellular organisms from the prokaryotic, one-celled organisms, such as bacteria. In contrast to the higher organisms, bacteria do not have nuclei, so their DNA is maintained in the same compartment as the primary synthesis function of the nucleus is the expression of selected subsets of the genetic information encoded in the DNA double helix.

Each subset of a DNA chain, called a gene, codes for the construction of a specific protein out of a chain of amino acids. Information in DNA is not decoded directly into proteins, however. First, it is transcribed or copied, into a range of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules, each of which encodes the information for one protein (or more than one protein in bacteria). The mRNA molecules are then transported through the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm, where they are translated, serving as templates for the synthesis of specific proteins.

The nucleus must not only synthesize the mRNA for many thousands of proteins but must also regulate the amounts synthesized and supplied to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, the amounts of each type of mRNA supplied to the cytoplasm must be regulated differently in each type of cell. In addition to mRNA, the nucleus synthesizes and exports other classes of RNA involved in the mechanisms of protein

So clearly the DNA is supposedly contained within the nucleus. An interesting point at this stage is that DNA samples taken from the body are usually hair, skin, or blood which are processed to attain a DNA fingerprint. While this may not sound unusual, technically it is interesting because if your sample was blood which contains mostly red blood cells and intercellular fluid it would be a strange way to get a DNA sample since red blood cells do not contain a nucleus where the DNA is housed.


Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa? | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets

Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | QEnergySpa, BEFE Consumables | Support

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place.

First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the used models, Go here.

Lastly, what is new at Check out our Blog, look here.

Q2Spa| Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | Foot Bath Tips | Veggie Trials | BEFE Parts

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

Healthy or not; the benefits of the Q Energy Spa can be an advantage to all.
Call Debbie: 319-208-1929

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Charged Water Drinking

Charged Water Drinking. What are the benefits?

Glass of QEnergySpa BEFE Charged Water

QEnergySpa® can be used to treat drinking water. In fact, enhancing the electric field of your drinking water and drinking it, will have a positive internal effect.

Why should I drink energized drinking water?

By drinking charged water, in this readily absorbable format, you are directly energizing your internal system. Many organs can utilize the bio-electrical energy directly. The kidney, for example, functions by utilizing the process of electrolysis to separate both excess nutrients and toxins from your blood. This function can be improved with the delivery of extra energy.

So how does Charged Water work?

Internal Human OrgansYour body requires energy to function. Your main source of energy is derived from your metabolism or energy produced by the breakdown of ingested matter. Metabolism starts when you eat or drink. The food and drink ultimately end up in your stomach where it is then broken down by the acid in the stomach into a liquid. Anything left solid that can’t be broken down passes through the system. The nutrient-enriched liquids are collected from the intestines and go directly into the blood. The blood then circulates the nutrients throughout the entire body, to every cell. Because water can pass directly into the bloodstream via the stomach, the charge it carries is distributed internally also.

How to charge Drinking Water

The process for charging drinking water is simple. All you need is a 2 – 3 liter glass jug and your normal QEnergySpa® items.

Step 1

Place a full bottle (glass or shop bought) of your preferred drinking water into another container of water large enough to hold the Orb and the bottle of water.

Step 2

Ensuring the Orb is completely submerged, turn on the QEnergySpa® and charge the water for 15 minutes. Do not have a person in session as well.

Step 3

Turn off the QEnergySpa® remove the bottle of drinking water, rinse it off under a running tap, this water will hold its energetic charge for
approximately 90 hours. Dispose of after 90 hours.

Step 4

The energized water can only be consumed (one good-sized glassful) once per day. Avoid sipping, drink your glass all at once.

When should I drink energized water?

Some people may prefer to drink it in the morning and some may prefer the evening. To find out which best suits you, try the mornings first then switch to the evening to see whether it makes a difference to you. You should not drink water more than once a day.

Can you drink the charged water from the QEnergySpa, BEFE on the same day as a session?

Yes, one standard glass, 8-16 ounces but it is our recommendation to drink one standard glass of the charged water on the days you do not have a treatment. Do not to drink the water directly in contact with the plates we recommend to place a glass container with the water you wish to charge within the charging water and only drink the water from the glass container which will remain clear.

How much Charged Water should I drink?

For the correct daily amount that you should drink, please refer to the bodyweight tables below. The procedure for charging drinking water can be used for all living creatures including plants (see associated plant section). The amount of water an animal or person should drink relates to their body weight. Drinking the water should be done as per instructions only once a day. The following tables show the maximum amount of water you can drink per day. Once you have charged the water, it should not be mixed with any other water. i.e. drink it purely with no additives.

Water Table

Note: This table represents the maximum amount of charged water you may drink in one day.
For the larger volumes that are not easily consumed in one go, try to drink over a 30 minute period or less.


The QEnergySpa is the latest in home based systems developed by Q-Tech Laboratories as an aid for relaxation and well-being. It was created to realign, balance, and enhance the bioenergetic levels in the water that is then used by the cells of all living things. The Experience increases vitality, clarity, and an overall sense of well being. By using the QEnergySpa regularly, you (and your family) can increase your energy levels whenever needed.

Healthy or not; the benefits of the Q Energy Spa can be an advantage to all.