Testimonials – QEnergySpa Sessions
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For over 25 years, we receive testimonials almost daily on how the QEnergySpa / BEFE changes people’s lives. Our Q2Spa foot bath is used in clinics and homes all over the world. Some who did not have specific illnesses just felt better. Please note that because the QEnergySpa is classified as a non-medical device, FDA and FTC regulations do not allow us to share any testimonial that references a specific illness or condition.
Alternative Medicine; Energy Medicine Chapter: Testimonials Page 209-210
Quote: “Because of the BEFE unit’s ability to improve the body’s bio-charge, health practitioners and their patients who use the device have reported numerous health benefits. These include increased vitality, revitalized blood, detoxification and neutralization of toxins, pain and stress relief, faster recovery time from illness or injury reduced inflammation, improved sleep, reduced fluid retention, improved endocrine and metabolic function, elimination of menstrual pain, dermal rejuvenation, and improved kidney and liver function.”
Testimonials: #1
“I have used the Q for over 2 years now. At first, when I started using it, I noticed I am less tired after a long day at work. My memory got better and now I could stay up later at night without feeling tired the next day.” – Mr. L, 68 years old
Testimonials: #2
“I could feel the energy going through different parts of my body when I use the QEnergySpa, I feel much calmer, more centered, and very relaxed. Just like when I do my meditation practice” – Nicole, 32 years old
Testimonials: #3
“My first few sessions were quite an experience. My knee got hurt many years back and starts to feel sore. And after 2 months on the Q, I am able to walk a lot further before feeling heavy or tired in my legs…. And I hardly pant anymore…” – Mrs. Liang, 68 years old
Testimonials: #4
There is no doubt in my mind that the Q2 foot bath machine kept me off dialysis. I sat on the couch for 1½ years unable to do much of anything. Now I am back to full-time work plus water aerobics four mornings a week and square dancing twice a week thanks to the Q2. I experience so much joy working and sharing the footbath!! It is great to feel alive again! – Teresa Henderson, Herbal Practitioner
Testimonials: #5
“My mother-in-law is diabetic for many years and the doctor was shocked to see that her kidney function has improved a lot after using the Q for 1 month… I think and think and the only thing different she is doing is soaking her feet in the machine while she watches her Astro programs… it is unbelievable!!” – Mr. Ng Ah Bah, 54 years old
Testimonials: #6
“After my husband bought the machine and I used it three times a week. After a month, my friends told me that my skin was fairer and firmer… I am so happy….” – Mrs. Yap, 57 years old
Testimonials: #7
“After doing the footbaths for over 3 months, I started to have the energy to wake up earlier without feeling like I have to pull myself out of the bed. “It’s quite a miracle!”, my dad exclaimed when he saw me coming back from my jogging session at 8 AM. I feel great!” – Ben Yap, 37 years old
Testimonials: #8
“When I started getting footbaths, my body was feeling itchy, especially my feet. Yet, it feels lighter and no massage can take off the stress on my legs and feet like the Q.” – Christine, 38 years old
Testimonials: #9
“I always fell asleep during the footbaths, it makes me so relaxed and when the session is over, I feel like I am ready to go again”
– Lee Gnoh, 36 years old
Testimonials: #10
“After letting my sister who is 25 years old use my Q for the first time, she said she didn’t notice anything then. The next day, she called me and scolded me. For the first time after she started working, she was able to hear the alarm clock ringing. It was always the maid that had to shake her to wake up in the past. It’s so amazing!” – Lynn Hoh, 37 years old
Testimonials: #11
“After using Q for 2 months, I noticed my freckles lightening up and my skin got firmer and tighter.
My friends think I look fairer and younger….” – Mrs. Chow, 55 years old
Testimonials: #12
“I was diagnosed with thyroid hyperactive syndrome and I felt nervous and I was starting to be forgetful and cannot concentrate well. After my niece asked me to use the QEnergySpa, I feel a lot calmer and with the medication from the doctor, my condition were controlled. I feel balanced and back to normal.” – Elsie, 50 years old
Testimonials: #13
“I was feeling very tired in my shoulder and neck muscles for YEARS and massages didn’t help with it. After three sessions, I felt like
a new person. I can’t even tell you how it happened!!!” – Mr. G, 45 years old
Testimonials: #14
“I was having a cold and my mom made me stick my feet in the water. Towards the end of the session, my nose cleared up and I had to go back to school the next day?! – Nixon, 15 years old
Are you ready to try a QEnergySpa footbath? Please call or email me now.
Let’s learn how the Q may help you feel better.
The ORIGINAL QEnergySpa:
A Breakthrough in Health Technology Designed to recharge your body’s biological batteries.
Each cell in your body needs to have its ideal charge, and without it, it won’t function at optimal capacity. The QEnergySpa will “recharge your battery” and fulfill your cells with energy. The QEnergySpa is the ultimate evolution in natural bio-energy re-vitalization. This breakthrough in health technology is designed to recharge your body’s “biological batteries” and in so doing, promote overall wellness by allowing the body to heal itself more efficiently by increasing the energy in your body.
The result is a biological jump start to the battery of your cells. What’s more, it’s easy to use. You can have your whole body or just your hand or feet immersed in the water to get the benefits of using the device.
Healthy or not the benefits of the Q Energy Spa can be an advantage to all!
Call Debbie 319-208-1929
Genuine QEnergySpa Parts| Orbs and Cables | Fuses| Array Parts | Orb Ring and Track Sets
Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.
The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.