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Buying Tips QEnergySpa Footbath

Buying Tips
What to look for when choosing a Footbath

By Ivan Krell Serensen, QEnergySpa Engineer

Buying Tips: Footbath with orb and qenergyspa Buying tips are all based on personal research, knowledge, and experience. Before you want to commit to anyone’s device, even before trying one, please consider the advice and recommendations. Digest the buying tips we share and other technology for well over 20 years. We are the founders and designers of this bio-energy technology.

Buying Tips: Detox or Not?

  • When looking for a foot soak tub detox, keep in mind that a detox is not an instant magical one-time fix. It never will be. It is an ongoing process. It provides health benefits and occurs naturally, through your stool, urine, and indirectly through your skin via sweat.
  • Your skin will expel naturally only whatever toxins are deposited into the outer dermal layers. Medically speaking, your skin is only responsible for less than 10% of all body detoxification. By extrapolating this fact and assuming 5% skin surface area of your feet, means that you would have to sweat continuously through your feet only, for over 200 days straight, Day and Night (Yes 200 Days), in order to detoxify as much as you would in one urination. So it would make more sense to get that natural detoxification process of your body working more efficiently.
  • Looking from above when a footbath device is running, you will not see any dirt coming from your feet. All the dirt comes directly from around the water module and this is because the metals within the water module break down in the water causing discoloration as well as fact that when electricity is applied in water, water itself will expel or precipitate any substance not naturally occurring within the water.
  • Without any person in the water, the water still gets considerably discolored and the more salt you add to the water the more discolored it becomes, because no salt is actually meant to be used unless the water conductivity is really low, for example, when using tank water or distilled water.
  • If you have to add more than a pinch of dissolved salt to the water in order to make it work, then the device is not establishing a resonant field within the water and exciting the water itself and is, therefore, most likely using
    electrolysis only.
  • It is particularly important that the watercolors and smells in all cases be ignored because it is irrelevant and quite misleading. Diagnosing any ailment and or condition is quite impossible due to the sheer amount of other parameters that may also affect the colors and smells. The color chart and the water outcome picture shown to the right are examples of what should never be done.
  • There are many factors that affect the outcome in the water such as the water source, the water temperature, and the mineral content of the water, but it goes much further than that. Other factors include your past, the food you ate last night, and breakfast all the way to your past and current emotions. Even the lunar cycle will also affect the outcome as it affects every drop of water on the planet.
  • As soon as your feet have been immersed in the water for a short period of time, the properties of the water change, causing a different outcome, this outcome is as unique as your DNA and once again should also never be relied upon for any diagnosis and keep in mind that the outcome and resultant watercolors may change with each session.
  • Some reports have shown trace amounts of biological and or toxic matter in the water after a session with a bio-energy/detox footbath device. Consider that the majority of these toxins come from the degradation of the water module itself and only a very minute trace amount will come from the outer dermal layers of your feet. Your body is unable to detoxify itself directly into the water in such a short time.

Buying Tips: Technology

  • Is the power supply “Transformer” or “Switch Mode” based? Because all switch-mode power supplies by their very nature of chopping the electricity at higher frequencies, cause significant additional harmonic noise, which cannot be filtered sufficiently for use with this technology and will hence degrade the unit significantly.
  • Is the power supply using any other kind of switching technology, such as light dimmers, oven, or hotplate controls in order to reduce
    the power flow? All these devices can also produce considerable harmonic distortion causing significant degradation of the unit.
  • Be cautious when comparing prices of the best ionic foot detox machines, as this may not be a true reflection of the device’s ability. However, do consider the number of years that each device has been in use. Look for the experience, the results, the technical assistance, and of cause the after-sales service.
  • Clearly, there can be only one originator of this technology. There are a significant number of people making the claim that they founded, invented, or originated the technology. The original device is the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement, B.E.F.E. (QEnergySpa), developed in 1995/96 in Australia by QtheExperience. When you do your research, you may also find a considerable amount of identical information used with many devices. Unless the devices themselves are of identical design, the same technical and research material cannot apply to both.

Buying Tips: Testing and Diagnostics

  • A simple buying tip is to discover how the device performs on other organic matter, for example with seeds, plants, and animals. If the plants thrive, it is a very good sign. If the plants die, it is not.
  • Check to see if there are any medical diagnostic tools that can show a difference before and after a single session. Anything at all, as long as it confirms that it does what they say that it does.
  • Above all, keep in mind that none of these devices are intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, prevent, or treat any disease or health condition and they are not medical devices. If you research buyers guide and reviews to receive a medical benefit, then that is your body healing itself, not the technology. It is supposed to be a powerful energy supplement for your body and that is all the technology is supposed to do. Use at your own risk, only as directed, and consult your primary health care provider if you have any concerns or if symptoms persist. When you wish to try this technology or purchase one for your own use, please take care to study the device and be careful not to be taken in by fraudulent behavior claiming to pull toxins out of your body right in front of your eyes. As far as I am concerned, this is a callous scam no matter what evidence they present.

Buying Tips - Ivan Krell Serensen B.Eng. A.D.Eng. A.D.M.C.

  • This technology’s sole purpose is to increase the Bio-Energy level within the water itself allowing your body when immersed, to absorb as much energy as it is able to hold at that point in time, giving your body the natural ability that it once had to take care of itself. This technology, if used correctly, in conjunction with a nurturing diet and exercise regime may assist your body to evolve past any concern that it may have, working to improve your overall well-being and fitness. I trust that this information has been helpful and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Kind Regards
Ivan Krell Serensen B.Eng. A.D.Eng. A.D.M.C. Q.BeP

We hope that you are educating yourself after reading the buying tips here.

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You may always contact us with any questions or part requests. We are here to help you set up your session.

Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs – which have the potential 10% to 30% increase in efficiency!

Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Copycats vs. QEnergySpa

The Copycats vs. QEnergySpa

 Learn about the original footbath

By Neil Voss, Researcher on Competitive Copycat Machines

Copycats vs. QEnergySpa Touch Energy Dilution Factor Don't trust copycatsDo you know the difference between the Copycats vs. QEnergySpa? Our focus is on increasing energy by patterning the field of energy to balance, harmonize, and elevate the bio-energetics of the individual. Competitive machines excel at making the water dirtier and causing people to focus on what is in the water. Copycats promote maximum creation of electrolytic precipitation of dissolved solids, electrode action, pollutants, and additives in the water, affecting the color of the water.

Copycats vs. QEnergySpa QEnergySpa vs. Copycats Trash Can of scam trades

      1. Copycats competitive units create static energy that is one-directional as opposed to the QEnergySpa, BEFE that creates dynamic, interactive energy. Static energy is an abundance of stationary electrons in the water while dynamic, interactive energy is moving back and forth energy. They show a picture of the aura in their brochure afterward, but they don’t show any change in the aura or colors of the aura before and after. Static electricity also creates more chlorine, and cell membranes are susceptible to heavy chlorine.
      2. Copycats – so-called competitive units do not have Underwriting Laboratory approval, nor are they registered as a Medical Therapeutic Device. Safety is a big issue when you are dealing with electricity and water. Our unit meets strict international safety guidelines for all countries around the world. The QEnergySpa, BEFE was tested under pressure for one hour with fire hoses coming from several directions. You probably could virtually drop the unit in water and it would not hurt you; although this is not recommended.
      3. As a result, without Underwriting Laboratory approval, they are unable to obtain Liability Insurance. If there is a problem, good luck.
      4. Copycats use colored acrylic plastic that generates more chlorine from its base in the water. The competitive units look crude inside like they were made in a garage.
      5. Wider and thicker positive tracks are on copycat units, creating different energy, giving different frequencies, and different results. If the frequencies of the unit are out of phase with the frequencies of the body, the result can cause the amplitude of the frequency to have a destructive frequency in the body systems.
      6. Wider and thicker negative tracks on their units cause the copper ring to wear out faster, as well as create different energy, giving different frequencies and different results. Problems may be caused in the body by static, insensitive frequencies.
      7. Nylon housing materials on their units create an increased number of pollutants in the water, giving it more color.
      8. The Ion Cleanse (copycat unit) uses vertical plates that get very rusty even from the first use. This rust is heavy oxidation and shows signs of low-grade stainless steel. Hence, the water picks up the rust and creates redness in the water that doesn’t come from the body. The plates have to be sent into the company to be changed quite often. I am told it costs about $70 each time.
      9. There is a tuning fork effect from the combination of metals in the array. If this is altered, it alters frequencies needed by body systems. Competitors use low-grade metals. The QEnergySpa, BEFE has some rare metals to give correct frequencies dynamically tuned to body systems.
      10. Copycats use power supply components and parts from the shelf, which are designed for static systems, causing electricity to flow in one direction only. These units block the returning frequencies to the power unit, making their systems static and not interactive. Parts off the shelf are of cheaper quality and poorly constructed and create noise and interference for the pure signals needed by the body systems. The QEnergySpa, BEFE is not simply electricity but creates rather a dynamic field. Static electricity also creates more chlorine, and cell membranes can be susceptible to heavy chlorine.
      11. Copycats have created an astonishing visual for luring unsuspecting customers into buying the company’s product. The sales demonstration is based on what you see in the color of the water. The customer is misled by bogus explanations of what the color in the water means. The Federal Trade Commission has outlawed the practice in most states.
      12. Positive and Negative Ion Production: The “Ion Cleanse” claims to adjust the amount of positive and negative ions in the water. This is electro-chemically impossible. As long as both positive and negative electrodes are in the same body of water there is always a net neutral charge in the water. For every positive ion created, there is a negative. When they claim to alter the number of positive or negative ions, they are simply changing the polarity on which an electrode is positive or negative at a given moment and then it becomes neutral in the water. As a result, you can change the colors of the water, but you are not getting toxins from the body.
      13. “The cheaper metal discs create distortion and wrong static frequencies. The rings must be harmonically balanced and the lip on the disc creates the signature patterns in the water. It creates fields of energy within a symbiotic loop, returning to the power unit, which creates harmonic resonances more coherent to the body’s form of resonance with greater energy flow.” Terry Skrinjar, QEnergySpa, BEFE inventor.
      14. The truth about the colorations in the water is that they are created by the electrochemical reactions from the materials in the electrodes. The Ion Cleanse unit uses a copper winding that terminates with a zinc electrode, and a steel tube as the other. When the copper/zinc electrode becomes positive it will create greens and blues along with black material from the copper and zinc. When steel is positive, it will create yellows, oranges, and browns. It will not be detoxifying the body properly.
      15. To understand how delicate the frequencies are to the body, conventional science teaches us that water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Is it true? Maybe not.
      16. An original experiment placed two copper electrodes into the water. 110 volts was applied, and the gases collected were 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen by volume. However, if you use different metallic electrodes (as competitive units have done, particularly the ION CLEANSE), you will get different gases every time. Also, if you increase the voltage or lower the voltage you will get different gases. Thus if just a few little things are changed (like copy-cat machines have done), the extent of the energy benefits created for body systems will be lessened and can even harm the body in the long run because of wrong frequencies.
      17. If the practitioner chooses to set the Ion Cleanse at the beginning of one polarity cycle of water, in 17 minutes and 1 second the polarity of the water will have reversed itself and the client will have the opposite polarity. After seventeen minutes and one second, it will change again. What use is there for setting the polarity of their unit?
      18. Competitors do not know the secret of continuous on and off pulsing. This pulsing makes the QEnergySpa, BEFE’s benefits to the body system very effective. The QEnergySpa, BEFE has no right angles to the waveforms. Competitors use a square waveform that creates static energy.
      19. Copycats do create limited benefits for clients from a static charge, which creates oxidative reduction factors. But when the oxidative reduction factors (ORP), which relate to correcting free radical damage to the cells and DNA are measured, the QEnergySpa, BEFE has demonstrated up to 10,000 times more ORP than any of the competitive units.
      20. The competitive units have an adjustable voltage control. We looked at this in our units initially, but the switch creates too much electrical “noise” within the circuit leading to interference and degradation of the resultant field energy.
      21. There have been reports by analysts that the copycat units cause the body to dump valuable minerals and particularly calcium out of the body because the frequencies or the waveform of these competitive units hit the frequencies of calcium and minerals.

      Choosing a footbath requires some research. Thank you, Neil, for providing your expertise here. | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets
      Orbs and Cables | Array Cables | Fuses | Display all QEnergySpa Products Look here.

      Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.

      The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
      These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Conversion of a Skeptic

Conversion of a Skeptic: I have always been a skeptic.

I have always been a skeptic. I’ve found it to be a useful trait in this New Age. In particular when it comes to health and healing.  As a Natural Health Practitioner, I have also learned to keep an open mind, which is just as well as I might otherwise have passed by the Gizmo (QEnergySpa, BEFE), and so missed the most astounding health tool I have ever encountered.

Conversion of a Skeptic – I first saw it bubbling unobtrusively away, in a bucket of scummy-looking water.

Conversion of a SkepticI was attending one of the mini Health and Harmony expos that are held at the Raptis Plaza in Surfers every second Friday of the month.  The front of the brochure read BIO-ELECTRIC FIELD ENHANCEMENT UNIT, BEFE. O.K…. “But what does it do? I asked “it’s used in the bathtub to re-balance and amplify the bio-electric signature of your body” explained the man behind the Q-Tech Laboratories desk. “That’s nice” I smiled, trying to look suitably impressed. “But what does it actually DO?” Realizing that he was talking to a less-than-technical being, he started explaining the health benefits of the Gizmo; otherwise, known as the BEFE Unit. How it did everything from purifying the water to increasing vitality and relieving pain.

Conversion of a Skeptic – Prove it!

I examined the little round plastic and metal unit more closely. It didn’t look all that impressive. “Prove it! Lend me a unit, I’ll use it on a variety of people and test them to see if it makes any difference.” As I use Kinesiology as my diagnostic tool, it would be a simple enough matter to establish whether or not it actually did what he said it could do. I am always interested in anything that might benefit my clients. A few days later I stood looking down at the Gizmo (QEnergySpa, BEFE) in my bathtub. Peering anxiously along with the cords that went from the unit to the transformer and then into the electricity socket in the wall. “Are you SURE there is no chance of it electrocuting me?” “Absolutely none!” I did one final muscle test to make sure it was safe, turned the power on, and climbed into the bath.

Conversion of a Skeptic – Try it out

It was a good time to try it out, my body had been retracing and I’d been having a few joint problems. My right elbow had just got to the point of being so sore and swollen that I couldn’t reach to do up my bra – not a good image for a healer!  After a few minutes, I decided to lie back and meditate. I’d know soon enough whether or not it worked. I was O.K. so far. 35 minutes later the timer went off and I opened my eyes… and freaked! The bathwater had turned murky, muddy brown with BITS floating in it and the ring around the bath was a couple of inches wide! YUK!! I leaped out, turned it off, and examined the water I had been lying in.

When the Q-Tech people had told me that it first filters the water to clear it of impurities, and then proceeds to eliminate toxins from the body, I hadn’t given it much thought. Now faced with the mucky evidence I was amazed. And, very glad that the icky-looking substance around the edge of the bath was no longer in my body! I ran some tests and the results were extremely impressive. Organs, glands, and even emotions are balanced and enhanced. Nonetheless, I didn’t feel all that different and my elbow was still very sore.

Conversion of a Skeptic – The next morning I woke up and my elbow was back to normal!

I put judgment on hold and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and my elbow was back to normal! No swelling, no pain, completely mobile! It was time to try it on someone else. My mother had a variety of health problems. “What will it do?” she asked “Not sure Mum, I’ve only just started testing it, but I can guarantee it won’t hurt you, and look what it did for me after only one bath!” I happily twirled my new elbow under her nose. She got in the bath without further argument.  45 minutes later I knew two things for sure. I would have to buy some really heavy-duty bath cleaner and there was DEFINITELY more to this Gizmo (QEnergySpa, BEFE) thing than met the eye. “Mum, it is testing up that it’s taken your bladder function from 55% to 90% and that incontinence has been reduced by 90%!” We looked at each other in disbelief.  16 years ago my Mum had a badly botched operation that resulted in constant severe incontinence. The quality of her life had been greatly affected because of it.

How could half an hour in the bath with a Gizmo (QEnergySpa, BEFE) possibly have fixed such a massive long-term problem like that?  

For the first time in years, I actually doubted my testing but the body doesn’t lie and the proof would be in the pudding so to speak. It tested that another bath would take the problem down to 3%, meantime I followed my poor Mum around waiting for her to cough or sneeze. I even frightened her to see if that would have an effect!  NOTHING HAPPENED!!! Time after time she’d cough, I’d make her go off and check, and she’d come back to report a completely dry pad.

Live a normal life again

It took weeks before she could really believe that the problem had gone and that she could live a normal life again. I still find it hard to wrap my mind around it!  My research continues with more ‘miracles’ every day across an astonishingly wide range of ailments. The Gizmo (QEnergySpa, BEFE) works better on some people than on others. Some clients need a full course of 14 baths over a 28-day period to find their way back to wellness; others need only one or two. It depends on the problem and the person.

Conversion of a Skeptic – I’m no longer a skeptic

One thing’s for sure though, I’m no longer a skeptic – as far as the BEFE Unit is concerned anyway. I’ve not only bought one,  I’m now selling them! I still don’t completely understand exactly how they work, (for that you’ll have to ring the technical people at Q – Tech) I don’t even feel the need to know anymore, I’m just happy and grateful that the technology is available. It’s changed our lives, and the lives of my clients, forever.

Samantha Joy practices ‘Ultimate Kinesiology’ from her Gold Coast base.  She specializes in relieving pain, stress, illness, and negative patterns, and actually guarantees positive results.

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You may always contact us with any questions or part requests. We are here to help you set up your session. Nothing looks and performs like a genuine QEnergySpa Footbath. For that reason, Pros insist on them. Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa Footbath? Does your orb or array have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. Online Since 2002

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Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.