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Contraindications Using the QEnergySpa


Possible Contraindications and Effects While Using the QEnergySpa
Contraindications Using the QEnergySpa - Feet in foot bath

Using the QEnergySpa System for the first few times can cause a number of effects that may be noticed and observe during and briefly after usage. These effects vary between organisms and may appear at any point during the usage times.

The following is a list of sensations that may be experienced.

  • Tingling sensations in various parts of an organism
  • Tingling in scratches, cuts, and abrasions.
  • Shortness of breath towards the end of usage.
  • A slight pain where possibly the organism is unhealthy.
  • A tightening sensation in affected areas.

These effects generally last only a few minutes after usage; however if the body mass should show any signs of distress, the process/session should be terminated immediately and following sessions should not go any longer than that time frame for a period of 14 sessions.


Rare contraindications may occur using the QEnergySpa. It typically benefits most people of all ages equally. However, there are circumstances that may prevent some individuals from using innovative QEnergySpa. We recommend that certain groups of people should not use this device while other groups may. Below these groups are identified and the reasons for the contraindication.

People who fall into these categories may NOT use the QEnergySpa until their condition ceases:

  • Those who are pregnant: The design of the QEnergySpa allows only one bio-signature per session. In the case of pregnancy, there are two separate bio-signatures; the mother and the fetus. The unit cannot separate the two signatures and treats them as one. This may result in an exchange of Bio-energetic states and/or conditions between the two entities.
  • Those who are taking immuno-suppressant medications – The QEnergySpa may affect the immune system, rendering the medication ineffective.
  • Those who have a battery-operated implant (e.g. Pacemaker/Defibrillator) – The QEnergySpa may electrically interfere with the battery signals.
  • Those who have received an organ transplant and are on immuno-suppressant medications – The QEnergySpa may override the Immuno-suppressant medications, possibly causing the body to reject the organ. Furthermore, the differing energy patterns presented by the additional organ cannot be separated by the QEnergySpa and the two signatures are treated as one. Once the individual is no longer required to take the immunosuppressant medications, one may safely assume that the organ has been fully accepted by the body, and hence use of the QEnergySpa is possible.

Individuals falling into these categories may use the QEnergySpa provided they follow these directions:

  • Youth-AgingThose who suffer from diabetes or low blood sugar levels – these individuals are advised to consult with their Health Care Provider prior to using the QEnergySpa and are advised to monitor their blood sugar levels after every session.
  • Those who suffer from elevated or low blood pressure – during the session, blood pressure may increase, followed by a small correction 10 to 20 minutes after the session. Q the Experience recommends that people who fall into this category are made aware of this factor and that they consult with their Health Care Provider prior to using the QEnergySpa.
  • Those who are taking Prescription Medications – generally people who are on a regime of day-to-day prescriptive medications are advised that it is safer to assume that their medication is contraindicated to the QEnergySpa. When taking the medication, allow at least 2 hours before and after sessions with the Q.

Those who suffer from psychotic episodes or seizures/epileptic episodes – seizures and epileptic episodes are signals generated by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, across the Corpus Callosum (the bridge that connects the two cerebral hemispheres). The QEnergySpa may be used under supervision by a Health Care Provider.

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You may always contact us with any questions or part requests. We are here to help you set up your session. Nothing looks and performs like a genuine QEnergySpa Footbath. For that reason, Pros insist on them. Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa Footbath? Does your orb or array have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. Online Since 2002

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Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Electromagnetic Field in QEnergySpa

Electromagnetic Field

The QEnergySpa Utilizes the Principle of Resonance. Each ring has a vibrational resonant frequency as well as an electromagnetic field resonant frequency. When each ring’s resonant frequency interacts with another ring’s resonant frequency, it combines to form a third signal (frequency) which will then interact with another ring’s resonant frequency producing the fourth signal… and so on… and so on… The end result is a combined, complex global field. When a cell is exposed to the multiple harmonics produced by the QEnergySpa, strengthening occurs when the cell picks up its natural frequency. But what is resonance? Below is an explanation followed by a few examples to assist you in better understanding this phenomenon.

Complex Resonant Electromagnetic Field

Resonance occurs when one frequency raises or lowers to the same level as another frequency. When an object is exposed to its natural frequency it will pick up or resonate with that frequency. The power of the principle of resonance stems from the fact that each frequency is changed by the presence of the other frequency until a form of unification, a flow of energy, and information is established that allows for a reciprocal exchange. To understand resonance, we must rethink our notion of people as objects in space and time that are separate, not only from all other objects but also from the planet earth.

Electromagnetic Field (EMF)

Everybody has an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) that is also impacted by the EMF field of the earth. We are all literally a bunch of vibrating, resonating molecules. The vibratory rate of your bio-field (the EMF field surrounding your body) will change until resonance is established.

Electromagnetic Field - Understanding Resonance

Molecule Resonate in Harmony

Each molecule resonates in harmony with some molecules but not others, just like a tuning fork. A tuning fork ‘pings’ at a certain resonance and ‘tunes in’ to some objects but not others. If it ‘pings’ as a “Doe”, other items that are “Doe” will vibrate as well. But if those objects are “Ray” or “Me” or any of the other tunes, it will not resonate.

Electromagnetic Field Resonance

A more familiar example of resonance occurs when the wire antenna on your radio picks up a broadcast many miles away. In this instance, energy with embedded information is transferred from the broadcast station to the short wire on your radio which is actually set in motion by the broadcast.

Radio Antenna Frequency

There is no wire that connects your radio antenna to the broadcast station. The radio antenna is designed, by virtue of its length, to resonate with the wavelengths of the radio broadcast, i.e. the antenna actually vibrates in concert with the radiation coming from the broadcast station. Your speakers’ then transform the information carried on the waves and rebroadcast this information into sound.

Resonance Transfers Energy

Because resonance transfers energy as well as information, it can also be used in a destructive fashion. For instance, Caruso the famous opera singer was famous for knocking a glass with his spoon to discover its resonant frequency. Then he would sing that exact note and break the glass. That is, the resulting resonance between his voice and the glass would cause all the molecules of the glass to vibrate so strongly that the glass would break.


Another example of resonance is the difference in taste when the wine is drunk from a crystal glass compared to the taste when drunk from a plastic or paper cup. Wine from a good quality crystal glass is noticeably smoother and has a much more satisfying taste.

Try it yourself:

Crystal Wine Glass or Paper Cup

Although it is exactly THE SAME WINE that is used in the crystal glass and the paper cup, the Crystal has a certain resonance that literally makes the wine molecules vibrate at a higher frequency which unlocks the flavor more readily than the plastic or paper cup. Our final example is the violin. When two violins have been precisely tuned and if the string on one violin is plucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will start to vibrate as well. | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath | Orb Ring and Track Sets
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Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs – which have the potential 10% to 30% increase in efficiency!

Even more, see our newest QEnergySpa Pro q6000 online, Go here.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Basic Principles Behind the QEnergySpa

Basic Principles Behind the QEnergySpa BEFE

Basic Principles QEnergySpa 6000 - Side View

The following information not only illustrates what the QEnergySpa, BEFE does. Also how it works. The human body is a sensitive electromagnetic system that runs on millivolts. In other words, we are in reality a bio-electric machine. The body also generates an electromagnetic field, which is your “Bio-electric Signature”. The QEnergySpa has based on the principle that the body retains a quantum energy memory of everything experienced by the body.


Basic Principles

1. “All matter is made up of energy” (Einstein) in the form of electromagnetic frequencies.

2.  All cells in the body behave like tiny batteries, emitting and communicating via minute electromagnetic frequencies as well as electro-chemical signals. It is this intricate, bio-electrical circulatory system that allows one cell to communicate with its neighbor, through electro-magnetic signaling or resonance.

3.  Exposure in the form of infections, accumulated toxins, pathogens, viruses, parasites, physical and emotional traumas, etc disrupts the current flow to and between cells, thereby impeding the channels of intercellular communication.

4.  The Bio-Charge forms between the plates The QEnergySpa uses energy in the form of electricity which, when passed through a power supply, converts raw electricity into a format that is highly tuned, compatible, and safe for all life. It uses approximately 27 volts DC to induce a magnetic field or wave-like structure delivered by a precise array of metal plates within the Orb. These individual magnetic fields when combined form a complex global field around the Orb submerged in the water. The Orb acts like an antenna, transmitting this energy into the water and naturally mimicking the body’s own bio-electrical system, according to Quantum Reality Field Science.

5. The field created by the QEnergySpa interacts with the motional biofield of water and amplifies the volumetric content of the charge rate within the water pattern. The resulting Bio-charge is, therefore, the product of water, electricity, vibration/resonance, metal, and magnetism working together as a whole.

6. Unlike orthodox medicine, energetic medicine has no adverse side effects. This is due to the fact that signals present that are dissimilar, do not resonate and hence result in no effect.

7.  The frequencies travel back and forth from the person to the water reinforcing or imprinting those specific frequencies like a ripple effect into the cellular and extracellular fluid of the body. Further, resulting in a template or residue of the bio-signature of the person into the water during the process. The microtubular conduits within the cell regenerate to accommodate for the larger volume of bioelectrical activity.

8. This usable energy is stored in the fluid of the cells as a memory for up to two days after the session and used by the body over the next 92 hours to accomplish its functions. Since the body takes a minimum of 24 hours to adapt to any organic changes, the use of the system should be kept at a maximum of every other day.

9. The new environment within the cells restores the natural balance and augments the body’s natural healing process. The cell’s bio-energy and potential energy reserve are increased and thus it no longer accepts weaker patterns from damage-causing matter as readily as it did previously. These beneficial changes are followed by subsequent improvements in chemical function and physical structure (i.e. electrical potential of the cell membrane wall). This results in the initial purging of toxins and nucleic waste through the normal waste elimination systems as far as necessary to restore the body to its intended bio-energetic signature.

Basic Principles: Understanding the QEnergySpa, BEFE

QEnergySpa 6000The QEnergySpa, BEFE was “created to re-balance and amplify the bio-electric signature of your body”, Terry, 1997 (inventor of the QEnergySpa, BEFE). It does this by imprinting electromagnetic fields into the water, and thereby into living systems, to give the body more energy. This extra energy allows the body to operate at its full potential.


The QEnergySpa, BEFE does not kill or expel the microbes in contact with the healthy cells, rather it reinforces and optimizes the signature state of the cells. With continued use, the physiological and dynamic balance of the human body (homeostasis) gradually becomes restored. This method is not achieved by the direct infusion of frequency-based electrical impulses that are commonly used in some treatments currently available on the market.

“The amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism is strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes…. Let us suppose a cell vibrates at a certain frequency and a microbe vibrates at a different frequency; the microbe begins to fight the cell, and sickness is started. If the cell cannot repel the stronger vibrations and if the amplitude of its own vibration is forced to decrease, the microbe gains in amplitude and its vibrations to decreasing and stop those of the cells, bringing on dangerous sickness or death. If, on the contrary, the living cell is started vibrating with the proper amplitude by inside or outside causes, the oscillatory attack is repulsed. The remedy is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells, but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell…… The main thing is to produce the greatest number of harmonics possible.”George Lakhovski 1925

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You may always contact us with any questions or part requests. We are here to help you set up your session. Nothing looks and performs like a genuine QEnergySpa Footbath. For that reason, Pros insist on them. Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa Footbath? Does your orb or array have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. Online Since 2002

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Fuses | Array Parts | Orb Ring and Track Sets

Solid, untreated, unvarnished copper tubs

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.