2-amp Fuse 250 volt


2-amp 250 volts Fuse Pack (10 Pack)

Fuses provided for our QEnergySpa, BEFE Unit are UL Rated (manufactured to a set standard) which makes our fuses, if used correctly, last longer and a better quality fuse. There are (2) 2 amp fuses on the BACK side of the QEnergySpa, BEFE Units. Be sure to have some on hand, just in case you blow a fuse!

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2-amp 250 Volt Fuse – 10 Pack (Fits in BACK)

Q2Spa.com | Genuine QEnergySpa and Parts
2-amp Fuse 250 volt | Item #F102
Above all, The QEnergySpa devices are as visual as the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement unit. Display all QEnergySpa Products online. Start Here. We use the QEnergySpa to enhance our immune system. Our world is overrun with toxins. Nothing feels like a QEnergySpa session. Insist on them. Please contact us with any questions.

2-Amp Fuse 10 Pack

2-Amp Fuses

2-amp Fuses provided for our QEnergySpa, BEFE Unit are UL Rated (manufactured to a set standard) which makes our fuses, if used correctly, last longer and a better quality fuse. There are (2) 2-amp fuses on the BACK side of the QEnergySpa, BEFE Units. Be sure to have some on hand, just in case you blow a fuse!

The 2-amp fuse that you use in your QEnergySpa needs to be exact and correct.

Did you blow a fuse in your QEnergySpa? Please be careful to not add any salt. ONLY add salt when you need it. How do you know WHEN you need to add salt? ONLY when you see only ONE LIGHT on the bar that indicates the conductivity level.  If you add too much salt or potassium citrate, you WILL blow a fuse. You need exact amperage and voltage.

Please do not waste your funds on buying fuses on Amazon.

Or any other place online without exact measurements. Buy them here to confirm you are getting the exact fuse to operate your perfectly tuned machine. This is a very inexpensive part to keep your machine operating correctly. Be sure to have a few fuses on hand. This will ensure you will always be able to replace a fuse if you blow one. Have plenty of fuses to be sure that you are covered.

Fuse Usage Tips

Please be certain to look at your fuse and confirm the amperage. Placing the wrong fuse in the fuse slot can really cause problems. The fuses are an inexpensive fix for a minor problem you may have with the QEnergySpa. This is one of the cheapest fixes, and many times the minor operation problem you may have. Fuses are the most cost-effective way to manage voltage in your QEnergySpa. Be sure to keep fuses in your bag just in case you blow a fuse.

Recharge Your Cells

The QEnergySpa works through the medium of water by making available extra energy that living cells can utilize. There are a variety of different cells in the body. They all require water for hydration AND energy to perform at their optimum levels. With the depletion of either water OR energy, the cells are deprived and poor health can result. This is why the QEnergySpa is so beneficial. A footbath session keeps your cells healthy and energized. Users report that regular footbath sessions have improved their health and wellness. And a QEnergySpa footbath session doesn’t take a lot of time either, just 35 minutes every second or third day.

Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa?

Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. Q2Spa.com also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the Q2Spa.com used models, Go here. Lastly, what is new at Q2Spa.com? Check out our Blog, look here.

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2-amp Fuse 250v –  Item #F102