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Hello and welcome to Q2Spa.com. My name is Debbie Allen. I manage QTheExperience QEnergySpa Distribution Center in North America through WebDeb, LLC in Burlington, IA. I have been using the QEnergySpa since 2002. I enjoy the results personally. I have had many experiences with clients all over the world, sharing their session results. We at Q the Experience, Future Life Science are in the business of changing lives. The QEnergySpa, BEFE that our company has developed and produced for over 20 years uses innovative bio-energy technology through the water as a medium to enhance our own natural healing powers. Our Company has been based in Australia since 1996.
What About the BEFE QEnergySpa?
The QEnergySpa is a hydrotherapy device used to enhance and amplify your body’s own ability to heal itself. The QEnergySpa is based on the emerging field of Quantum physics where a produced bio-charge resonates with your own energy field improving healing and detoxification.
The Q Enhances the Bio-Electrics of Your Cells
The QEnergySpa enhances the bio-electric energy of all your cells by increasing the electrical charge on their plasma membranes. The QEnergySpa electrical charge is metabolically compatible with the electrical charge of the cell. Hence, it increases the available metabolic energy to the cell. Boosting and extending this electrical field to the proper parameters, helps to restore the cell membrane wall’s integrity. Once proper cell function is restored to proper function, the body starts to process and eliminate toxins effectively again. The liver and kidney start to remove more of the toxins returning the body to its normal function.
About Our Aim
About: Our Vision
The patented QEnergySpa, BEFE is the ultimate revolution in natural bio-energy re-vitalization for your body, capable of assisting the human body to function at its full capacity and providing you with more energy to effectively cope with today’s stresses. With higher energy levels your body is capable of significantly reducing recovery time and allows you to better control and manage aches and pains. Ask us how the complex energy fields of the Q2 B.E.F.E. Water Energy System can re-balance energy meridians in your body by permeating and realigning your body’s energy field.
About: Our Advantages
The patented QEnergySpa, BEFE is the ultimate revolution in natural bio-energy re-vitalization for your body, capable of assisting the human body to function at its full capacity and providing you with more energy to effectively cope with today’s stresses. With higher energy levels your body is capable of significantly reducing recovery time and allows you to better control and manage aches and pains. Ask us how the complex energy fields of the Q2 B.E.F.E. Water Energy System can re-balance energy meridians in your body by permeating and realigning your body’s energy field.
About: Safety Features
The QEnergySpa has been designed and constructed with the end-user’s utmost safety in mind. No expense has been spared in the manufacture of the QEnergySpa. Our foot bath features many safety aspects. The QEnergySpa is built to meet the very stringent International Electrical Safety Standards, IEC 60601.1, and is compliant with the domestic CE mark.
Easy To Use
QEnergySpa is the most innovative product on the market. It enhances and amplifies the natural ability of the body to heal itself. Highly relaxing, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and soak your feet in a warm bath. Let Q2 do the rest! It will rejuvenate your energy level and can even improve your overall health.
Many Imitate. NONE Duplicate
We are the CREATORS of the BEFE ionic foot spa technology and array. The complex energy fields of the QEnergySpa can re-balance energy meridians in your body by permeating and realigning your body’s energy field. Explore and Experience the QEnergySpa for yourself.
Very few medical devices are as visual as the Bio-Electric Field Enhancement unit.
It is placed in a normal bathtub after the person receiving the therapy is already in the water. The unit delivers a bio-charge to the body’s own frequency, which recharges the body’s electrical system, and gives you an energy boost. The session lasts for 35 minutes. The water becomes discolored while the body releases toxins and foreign materials as it detoxifies the dermal layers (skin).
The QEnergySpa Benefits are almost unlimited.
The benefits include increased vitality and energy, pain relief, faster recovery time, improved concentration and sleeping patterns, increased perception and well-being improved liver, kidney, and endocrine function, as well as reduced inflammation and swelling. Other benefits include reduced arthritic and menstrual pain, assisting with incontinence, and gout conditions, organic toxin neutralization, and much more. The complex magnetic fields of the unit permeate and realign your own body’s energy field which allows the body to function better.
The unit is designed for use by all ages as it has no side effects and is completely safe.
It cannot be used by people who have battery-operated implants such as pacemakers, or implanted organs, during pregnancy or while on a course of prescription drugs. Organic medicines such as herbs are not considered drugs. The units come ready to use and have Q-Tech’s guaranteed after-sales service to ensure your unit works at peak performance at all times. Units are built to medical standards and have been tested to ensure high safety standards. We look forward to being of service.
Do you need spare parts for your QEnergySpa?
Q2Spa.com | Genuine QEnergySpa Parts | QEnergySpa Footbath
Orb Ring and Track Sets | Orbs and Cables | Array Cables
Fuses | QEnergySpa, BEFE Consumables | Support
Does your QEnergySpa have a broken or missing part also? Then you have found the right place. First of all, we have all parts to fit ALL BEFE and QEnergySpa models. In addition, the most asked-for parts include replacement rings and tracks, cables, orb parts, orb shells, and orb buttons. We also offer all services including warranty and repair. Q2Spa.com also offers Certified Used Models to meet almost every budget. You may see all the Q2Spa.com used models, Go here.
Lastly, what is new at Q2Spa.com? Check out our Blog, look here.
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